1. n. A device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow.
2. n. A change.
3. n. (rail transport, US) A movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down one of two destination tracks; point.
4. n. A slender woody plant stem used as a whip; a thin, flexible rod, associated with corporal punishment in the United States.
5. n. (computer science) A command line notation allowing specification of optional behavior.
Use the /b switch to specify black-and-white printing.
6. n. (computing, programming) A programming construct that takes different actions depending on the value of an expression.
7. n. (computing, networking) A networking device connecting multiple wires, allowing them to communicate simultaneously, when possible. Compare to the less efficient hub device that solely duplicates netwo
8. n. (telecommunication) A system of specialized relays, computer hardware, or other equipment which allows the interconnection of a calling party's telephone line with any called party's line.
9. n. (BDSM) One who is willing to take either a submissive or a dominant role in a sexual relationship.
10. n. A separate mass or tress of hair, or of some substance (such as jute) made to resemble hair, formerly worn on the head by women.
11. v. To exchange.
I want to switch this red dress for a green one.
12. v. To change (something) to the specified state using a switch.
Switch the light on.
13. v. To whip or hit with a switch.
14. v. (intransitive) To change places, tasks, etc.
I want to switch to a different seat.
15. v. (slang) To get angry suddenly; to quickly or unreasonably become enraged.
16. v. To swing or whisk.
to switch a cane
17. v. To be swung or whisked.
The angry cat's tail switched back and forth.
18. v. To trim.
to switch a hedge
19. v. To turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by a switch; generally with off, from, etc.
to switch off a train; to switch a car from one track to another
20. v. (ecclesiastical) To shift to another circuit.
21. adj. (snowboarding) Pertaining to riding with the front and back feet swapped round compared to one's normal position. BBC Sport, , 11 February 2014
22. adj. (freestyle skiing) Pertaining to skiing backwards.
1. n. Indicateur.
2. n. Aiguille de montre.
3. n. (Automobile) (Royaume-Uni) Clignotant (qui se dit turn signal aux États-Unis).
4. n. Comparateur
1. n. A pointer or index that indicates something.
2. n. A meter or gauge.
3. n. The needle or dial on such a meter.
4. n. (chemistry) Any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction.
5. n. (ecology) A plant or animal whose presence is indicative of some specific environment.
6. n. (economics) A measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends.
7. n. (Australia) A trafficator (dated definition); each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change etc.
8. n. A bird, the honeyguide.
1. n. (Anatomie) Main.
2. n. (Horlogerie) Aiguille.
3. n. (Poker) Main.
4. n. Coup de main.
I need a hand, could you please help me?
J'ai besoin d'un coup de main, pourrais-tu m'aider s'il te plaît ?
5. v. Donner, passer (de main à main, ou parfois au sens figuré).
Hand me the salt, please.
This is a stick-up. Hand over the money now!
C'est un braquage. Donnez l'argent maintenant !
She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
6. v. Mener, guider (par la main).
To hand a child across the street.
7. v. (Marine) Ferler.
1. n. The part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in a human, and the corresponding part in many other animals.
Her hands are really strong.
2. n.That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand.:
3. n. A limb of certain animals, such as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey.
4. n. An index or pointer on a dial; such as the hour and minute hands on the face of an analog clock, which are used to indicate the time of day.
5. n.In linear measurement::
6. n. (chiefly in measuring the height of horses) Four inches, a hand's breadth.
7. n. (obsolete) Three inches.
8. n. A side; part, camp; direction, either right or left.
9. n. Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity.
10. n. An agent; a servant, or manual laborer, especially in compounds; a workman, trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful.
an old hand at speaking; large farms need many farm hands
11. n. An instance of helping.
Bob gave Alice a hand to move the furniture.
12. n. Handwriting; style of penmanship.
a good hand
13. n. A person's autograph or signature.
Given under my Hand and Seal of the State this 1st Day of January, 2010.
14. n. Personal possession; ownership.
15. n. (usually in the hands) Management, domain, control.
in safe hands; in good hands; He lost his job when the factory changed hands. With the business back in the founder's hands, there is new hope for the company. With John
16. n.That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once.:
17. n. (card games) The set of cards held by a player.
18. n. # A round of a card game.
19. n. (tobacco manufacturing) A bundle of tobacco leaves tied together.
20. n. (collective) The collective noun for a bunch of bananas.
21. n. Applause.
Give him a hand.
22. n. (historical) A Native American gambling game, involving guessing the whereabouts of bits of ivory or similar, which are passed rapidly from hand to hand.
23. n. (firearms) The small part of a gunstock near the lock, which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.
24. n. A whole rhizome of ginger.
25. n. The feel of a fabric; the impression or quality of the fabric as judged qualitatively by the sense of touch.
This fabric has a smooth, soft hand.
26. n. (archaic) Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance.
27. n. (archaic) Agency in transmission from one person to another.
to buy at first hand (from the producer, or when new); to buy at second hand (when no longer in the producer’s hand, or when not new); It's not a rumor. I heard it at first hand.
28. n. (obsolete) Rate; price.
29. v. To give, pass, or transmit with the hand, literally or figuratively.
He handed them the letter. She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
30. v. To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct.
to hand a lady into a carriage
31. v. (transitive, obsolete) To manage.
32. v. (transitive, obsolete) To seize; to lay hands on.
33. v. (transitive, rare) To pledge by the hand; to handfast.
34. v. (transitive, nautical, said of a sail) To furl.
35. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To cooperate.
1. n. Point.
2. n. Pointe.
3. n. Virgule (d'un décimal). (note) En anglais, on utilise un point comme séparateur décimal.
4. n. But, intérêt, utilité, point.
What is the point of this conversation?
5. n. Point de vue, avis, opinion.
point of view, to make a point
6. n. (Jeux) Point.
The winner is the one with the most points.
7. n. (Ferro) (Royaume-Uni) (en général au pluriel) Aiguillage.
8. v. Montrer, indiquer, montrer du doigt. Construction : point to something / someone.
Le vieux monsieur, un peu surpris de cette question, montra sa carte du doigt.
9. v. Braquer.
The tourist pointed her camera at the cathedral and took the picture.
10. v. (Maçonnerie) Jointoyer.
1. n. A discrete division of something.
2. n. An individual element in a larger whole; a particular detail, thought, or quality.
The Congress debated the finer points of the bill.
3. n. A particular moment in an event or occurrence; a juncture.
There comes a point in a marathon when some people give up.
At this point in the meeting, I'd like to propose a new item for the agenda.
4. n. (archaic) Condition, state.
She was not feeling in good point.
5. n. A topic of discussion or debate; a proposition.
I made the point that we all had an interest to protect.
6. n. A focus of conversation or consideration; the main idea.
The point is that we should stay together, whatever happens.
7. n. A purpose or objective, which makes something meaningful.
Since the decision has already been made, I see little point in further discussion.
8. n. (obsolete) The smallest quantity of something; a jot, a whit.
9. n. (obsolete) A tiny amount of time; a moment.
10. n. A specific location or place, seen as a spatial position.
We should meet at a pre-arranged point.
11. n. (mathematics, science) A zero-dimensional mathematical object representing a location in one or more dimensions; something considered to have position
12. n. A full stop or other terminal punctuation mark.
13. n. (music) A dot or mark used to designate certain tones or time. In ancient music, it distinguished or characterized certain tones or styles (points of p
14. n. (by extension) A note; a tune.
15. n. A distinguishing quality or characteristic.
Logic isn't my strong point.
16. n. Something tiny, as a pinprick; a very small mark.
The stars showed as tiny points of yellow light.
17. n. (now only in phrases) A tenth; formerly also a twelfth.
Possession is nine points of the law.
18. n. Each of the marks or strokes written above letters, especially in Semitic languages, to indicate vowels, stress etc.
19. n. (sports) A unit of scoring in a game or competition.
The one with the most points will win the game
20. n. (mathematics) A decimal point (now especially when reading decimal fractions aloud).
10.5 ("ten point five"; = ten and a half)
21. n. (economics) A unit used to express differences in prices of stocks and shares.
22. n. (typography) a unit of measure equal to 1/12 of a pica, or approximately 1/72 of an inch (exactly 1/72 of an inch in the digital era).
23. n. (UK) An electric power socket.
24. n. (navigation, nautical) A unit of bearing equal to one thirty-second of a circle, i.e. 11.25°.
Ship ahoy, three points off the starboard bow!
25. n. (UK) A unit of measure for rain, equal to 0.254 mm or 0.01 of an inch.
26. n. A sharp extremity.
27. n. The sharp tip of an object.
Cut the skin with the point of the knife.
28. n. Any projecting extremity of an object.
29. n. An object which has a sharp or tapering tip.
His cowboy belt was studded with points.
30. n. (backgammon) Each of the twelve triangular positions in either table of a backgammon board, on which the stones are played.
31. n. A peninsula or promontory.
32. n. The position at the front or vanguard of an advancing force.
33. n. Each of the main directions on a compass, usually considered to be 32 in number; a direction.
34. n. (nautical) The difference between two points of the compass.
to fall off a point
35. n. Pointedness of speech or writing; a penetrating or decisive quality of expression.
36. n. (railroads, UK, in the plural) A railroad switch.
37. n. (usually in the plural) An area of contrasting colour on an animal, especially a dog; a marking.
The point color of that cat was a deep, rich sable.
38. n. A tine or snag of an antler.
39. n. (fencing) A movement executed with the sabre or foil.
tierce point
40. n. (heraldry) One of the several different parts of the escutcheon.
41. n. (nautical) A short piece of cordage used in reefing sails.
42. n. (historical) A string or lace used to tie together certain garments.
43. n. Lace worked by the needle.
point de Venise; Brussels point
44. n. (US, slang) An item of private information; a hint; a tip; a pointer.
45. n. The attitude assumed by a pointer dog when he finds game.
The dog came to a point.
46. n. (falconry) The perpendicular rising of a hawk over the place where its prey has gone into cover.
47. n. The act of pointing, as of the foot downward in certain dance positions.
48. n. The gesture of extending the index finger in a direction in order to indicate something.
49. n. (medicine, obsolete) A vaccine point.
50. n. In various sports, a position of a certain player, or, by extension, the player occupying that position.
51. n. (cricket) A fielding position square of the wicket on the off side, between gully and cover.
52. n. (lacrosse, ice hockey) The position of the player of each side who stands a short distance in front of the goalkeeper.
53. n. (baseball) The position of the pitcher and catcher.
54. n. (hunting) A spot to which a straight run is made; hence, a straight run from point to point; a cross-country run.
55. v. (intransitive) To extend the index finger in the direction of something in order to show where it is or to draw attention to it.
It's rude to point at other people.
56. v. (intransitive) To draw attention to something or indicate a direction.
The arrow of a compass points north
The skis were pointing uphill.
The arrow on the map points towards the entrance
57. v. (intransitive) To face in a particular direction.
58. v. To direct toward an object; to aim.
to point a gun at a wolf, or a cannon at a fort
59. v. To give a point to; to sharpen; to cut, forge, grind, or file to an acute end.
to point a dart, a pencil, or (figuratively) a moral
60. v. (intransitive) To indicate a probability of something.
61. v. (ambitransitive, masonry) To repair mortar.
62. v. (transitive, masonry) To fill up and finish the joints of (a wall), by introducing additional cement or mortar, and bringing it to a smooth surface.
63. v. (stone-cutting) To cut, as a surface, with a pointed tool.
64. v. To direct or encourage (someone) in a particular direction.
If he asks for food, point him toward the refrigerator.
65. v. (transitive, mathematics) To separate an integer from a decimal with a decimal point.
66. v. To mark with diacritics.
67. v. (dated) To supply with punctuation marks; to punctuate.
to point a composition
68. v. (transitive, computing) To direct the central processing unit to seek information at a certain location in memory.
69. v. (transitive, Internet) To direct requests sent to a domain name to the IP address corresponding to that domain name.
70. v. (intransitive, nautical) To sail close to the wind.