Voici mon secret. Il est très simple : on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
3. n. Cœur, centre de.
The house was located in the heart of the forest.
La maison était située au centre de la forêt.
4. n. (Cartes) Cœur.
The four suits in a deck of cards are clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades.
Les quatre couleurs d'un paquet de carte sont trèfle, carreau, cœur, et pique.
I have a heart, it is the three of hearts.
J'ai un cœur, c'est le trois de cœur.
1. n. (anatomy) A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be the seat of emotion.
2. n. Emotions, kindness, moral effort, or spirit in general.
The team lost, but they showed a lot of heart.
3. n. The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, etc.; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; usually in a good sense; personality.
a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart
4. n. Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.
5. n. Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.
6. n. (archaic) A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.
Listen, dear heart, we must go now.
7. n. Personality, disposition.
a cold heart
8. n. (figurative) A wight or being.
9. n. A conventional shape or symbol used to represent the heart, love, or emotion: ♥ or sometimes (unsupported, <3).
10. n. A playing card of the suit hearts featuring one or more heart-shaped symbols.
11. n. (cartomancy) The twenty-fourth Lenormand card.
12. n. The centre, essence, or core.
The wood at the heart of a tree is the oldest.
Buddhists believe that suffering is right at the heart of all life.
13. v. (transitive, humorous, informal, mostly, internet slang) To be fond of. (Often bracketed or abbreviated with a heart symbol.)
14. v. (transitive, obsolete) To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage; to be devoted.
15. v. (transitive, masonry) To fill an interior with rubble, as a wall or a breakwater.
16. v. (intransitive, agriculture, botany) To form a dense cluster of leaves, a heart, especially of lettuce or cabbage.
1. n. The central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds.
the core of an apple or quince
2. n. The heart or inner part of a physical thing
3. n. The center or inner part of a space or area
the core of a square
4. n. The most important part of a thing; the essence.
the core of a subject
5. n. (engineering) The portion of a mold that creates an internal cavity within a casting or that makes a hole in or through a casting.
6. n. The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals.
7. n. (computing) Magnetic data storage.
8. n. (computer hardware) An individual computer processor, in the sense when several processors (called cores or CPU cores) are plugged together in one single integrated circuit to work as one (called mult
I wanted to play a particular computer game, which required I buy a new computer, so while the game said it needed at least a dual-core processor, I wanted my computer to be a bit ahead of the
9. n. (engineering) The material between surface materials in a structured composite sandwich material.
a floor panel with a Nomex honeycomb core
10. n. The inner part of a nuclear reactor in which the nuclear reaction takes place.
11. n. A piece of soft iron, inside the windings of an electromagnet, that channels the magnetic field.
12. n. A disorder of sheep caused by worms in the liver.
13. n. A cylindrical sample of rock or other materials obtained by core drilling.
14. n. (medicine) A tiny sample of organic material obtained by means of a fine-needle biopsy.
15. n. (biochemistry) The central part of a protein structure consisting in mostly hydrophobic aminoacids.
16. n. (game theory) The set of feasible allocations that cannot be improved upon by a subset (a coalition) of the economy's agents.
17. v. To remove the core of an apple or other fruit.
18. v. To extract a sample with a drill.
19. n. (obsolete) A body of individuals; an assemblage.
20. n. A miner's underground working time or shift.
21. n. (historical units of measure) Alternative form of cor: a former Hebrew and Phoenician unit of volume.
22. n. (automotive, machinery, aviation, marine) A deposit paid by the purchaser of a rebuilt part, to be refunded on return of a used, rebuildable part, or the returned rebuildable part itself.
2. n. (literary) The deepest part. (Usually of a body of water.)
The burning ship finally sank into the depths.
3. n. (literary) A very remote part.
Into the depths of the jungle...
In the depths of the night
4. n. (of an emotion, mystery) The lowest point, all-time low, nadir.
to plumb the depths of despair
to stir someone to his depths
5. n. The most severe or involved period.
in the depths of the crisis
in the depths of winter
1. n. (UK) (Péjoratif) Français, Française.
2. n. (Canada) (Péjoratif) Québécois, Québécoise.
3. n. Grenouille (animal).
4. n. (Péjoratif) Variante orthographique de Frog. Français ou Québécois.
1. n. (derogatory) alternative form of frog (French person)
2. n. A small tailless amphibian of the order Anura that typically hops.
3. n. The part of a violin bow (or that of other similar string instruments such as the viola, cello and contrabass) located at the end held by the player, to which the horsehair is attached.
4. n. (Cockney rhyming slang) Road. Shorter, more common form of frog and toad.
5. n. The depression in the upper face of a pressed or handmade clay brick.
6. n. An organ on the bottom of a horse’s hoof that assists in the circulation of blood.
7. n. (rail transport) The part of a railway switch or turnout where the running-rails cross (from the resemblance to the frog in a horse’s hoof).
8. v. To hunt or trap frogs.
9. v. (transitive, biology) To use a pronged plater to transfer (cells) to another plate.
10. v. (transitive, cooking) To spatchcock (a chicken).
11. n. (offensive) A French person.
12. n. (Canada, offensive) A French-speaking person from Quebec.
13. n. A leather or fabric loop used to attach a sword or bayonet, or its scabbard, to a waist or shoulder belt.
14. n. An ornate fastener for clothing consisting of an oblong button (covered with netted thread), toggle, or knot, that fits through a loop.
15. v. To ornament or fasten a coat, etc. with frogs.
1. n. (anatomy) Either of the two organs on the front of a female human's chest, which contain the mammary glands; also the analogous organs in males.
Tanya's breasts grew remarkably during pregnancy.
2. n. (anatomy) The chest, or front of the human thorax.
3. n. A section of clothing covering the breast area.
4. n. The figurative seat of the emotions, feelings etc.; one's heart or innermost thoughts.
She kindled hope in the breast of all who heard her.
5. n. The ventral portion of an animal's thorax.
The robin has a red breast.
6. n. A choice cut of poultry, especially chicken or turkey, taken from the bird’s breast; also a cut of meat from other animals, breast of mutton, veal, pork.
Would you like breast or wing?
7. n. The front or forward part of anything.
a chimney breast; a plough breast
8. n. (mining) The face of a coal working.
9. n. (mining) The front of a furnace.
10. n. (obsolete) The power of singing; a musical voice.
11. v. (transitive, often, figurative) To push against with the breast; to meet full on, oppose, face
1. adj. Mort, sans vie. Qui était en vie mais ne l'est plus.
Dead Men tell no Tales
Les Morts ne parlent pas
2. adj. Qui est détesté au point d'être ignoré.
He is dead to me.
Pour moi il n'existe plus.
3. adj. (Électronique) Qui ne fonctionne plus ; qui n'est pas en marche.
4. adj. (Sport) Au cricket, se dit de la balle lorsqu'elle n'est pas en jeu, qu'il n'y a aucune possibilité de marquer de point et qu'aucun batteur ne peut être retiré.
5. n. (Au pluriel) Les morts.
Respect for the dead.
Du respect pour les disparus.
Don't speak ill of the dead. (adage populaire)
6. v. Exactement ; précisément.
He hit the target dead in the centre. - Il a atteint la cible en plein centre.
dead wrong; dead set; dead serious; dead drunk; dead broke; dead earnest; dead certain; dead slow; dead sure; dead simple; dead honest; dead accurate; dead easy; dead scared; dead solid; dead b
25. adv. Suddenly and completely.
He stopped dead.
26. adv. (informal) As if dead.
dead tired; dead quiet; dead asleep; dead pale; dead cold; dead still
27. n. (singulare tantum, often with "the") Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.
The dead of night. The dead of winter.
28. n. (with "the", a demonstrative, or a possessive) Those who have died.
Have respect for the dead.
The villagers are mourning their dead.
The dead are always with us, in our hearts.
29. v. To prevent by disabling; stop.
30. v. To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.
1. n. The core, center, or essence of an object or system.
the kernel of an argument
2. n. (botany) The central (usually edible) part of a nut, especially once the hard shell has been removed.
3. n. (botany) A single seed or grain, especially of corn or wheat.
4. n. (botany, US) The stone of certain fruits, such as peaches or plums.
5. n. A small mass around which other matter is concreted; a nucleus; a concretion or hard lump in the flesh.
6. n. (computing) The central part of many computer operating systems which manages the system's resources and the communication between hardware and software components.
The Linux kernel is open-source.
7. n. (computing) The core engine of any complex software system.
8. n. (calculus) A function used to define an integral transform.
The Dirichlet kernel convolved with a function yields its Fourier series approximation.
9. n. (mathematics) A set of pairs of a mapping's domain which are mapped to the same value.
10. n. (mathematics, linear algebra, functional analysis) For a given function (especially a linear map between vector spaces), the set of elements in the domain which are mapped to zero; (formally) given f&
If a function is continuous then its kernel is a closed set.
11. n. (mathematics, category theory) For a category with zero morphisms: the equalizer of a given morphism and the zero morphism which is parallel to that given morphism.
12. n. (mathematics, fuzzy set theory) The set of members of a fuzzy set that are fully included (i.e., whose grade of membership is 1).
13. n. (slang) The human clitoris.
14. n. (chemistry) The nucleus and electrons of an atom excluding its valence electrons.
1. n. (anatomy) The system that provides support to an organism, internal and made up of bones and cartilage in vertebrates, external in some other animals.
2. n. An anthropomorphic representation of a skeleton.
She dressed up as a skeleton for Halloween.
3. n. (figuratively) A very thin person.
She lost so much weight while she was ill that she became a skeleton.
4. n. (figuratively) The central core of something that gives shape to the entire structure.
The skeleton of the organisation is essentially the same as it was ten years ago, but many new faces have come and gone.
5. n. (architecture) A frame that provides support to a building or other construction.
6. n. (computing) A client-helper procedure that communicates with a stub.
In remote method invocation, the client helper is a ‘stub’ and the service helper is a ‘skeleton’.
7. n. (geometry) The vertices and edges of a polyhedron, taken collectively.
8. v. (archaic) to reduce to a skeleton; to skin; to skeletonize
9. v. (archaic) to minimize
10. n. (sports) A type of tobogganing in which competitors lie face down, and descend head first (compare luge).