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Le mot anglais pour cascade est


Définition en anglais

     1. n-f. cascade (waterfall)
     2. n-f. cascade (series of event)
     3. n-f. (juggling) cascade
     4. n-f. a stunt performed for cinematic imitation or entertainment
     5. v. first-person singular present of cascader
     6. v. third-person singular present of cascader
     7. v. second-person singular imperative of cascader

Traductions de cascade et leurs définitions

     1. n. (Géographie) Cascade, chute d'eau.

stunt ©
     1. n. Coup, truc.
     2. n. Cascade.
           The movie made use of lots of stunts.
     3. n. Acrobatie, tour de force.
           I love to watch the stunts in the circus.
     4. n. (US) (Familier) (popu) Numéro.
           That's some stunt you pulled. What did you think you were doing?
     5. v. Retarder, rabougrir.
           Cigarettes will stunt your growth.
           The lack of sunlight is stunting this plant.

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