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Le mot anglais pour chute est


Définition en anglais

     1. n-f. fall
           Sa chute lui a été fatale. - His fall was fatal.
     2. n-f. fall, drop (e.g. in price)
     3. n-f. fall, collapse, downfall
           la chute de l'Empire romain d'Occident - the fall of the Western Roman Empire
     4. n-f. waterfall
           Nous ne sommes plus très loin des chutes du Niagara. - We're not far from Niagara Falls.
     5. n-f. punch line (conclusion of a joke or a story; the last words that bring the comic effect)
           Attendez la chute. - Wait for the conclusion.
     6. n-f. final part of an ensemble or a shape
           la chute des reins - the bottom of the backside
     7. v. first-person singular present of chuter
     8. v. third-person singular present of chuter
     9. v. second-person singular imperative of chuter

Traductions de chute et leurs définitions

     1. n. (US) (CA) Automne.
     2. n. Chute.
           She had a fall and broke a bone.
           Elle fit une chute et se brisa un os.
           Watch the fall of this coin from the edge of the table.
           Observe la chute de cette pièce depuis le bord de la table.
     3. n. Tombée.
           Fall of darkness.
     4. n. Renversement.
           The fall of the Berlin Wall is a famous event in history.
           La chute du mur de Berlin est un événement célèbre de l'histoire.
           La Montée en puissance et la Chute du Troisième Reich.
     5. n. (US) Automne.
           Fall is my favorite time of year.
           L'automne est ma période favorite de l'année.
     6. v. Tomber, s'affaler, choir.

     1. n. (Géographie) Village du Pays de Galles situé dans l'autorité unitaire de Carmarthenshire.
     2. v. Dégringoler, tomber.
           Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. (The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling)
           Mère Louve était étendue, son gros nez gris tombé parmi ses quatre petits qui se culbutaient en criant, et la lune luisait par l'ouverture de la caverne où ils vivaient tous.
     3. n. Chute.

demise ©
     1. n. (Soutenu) Décès, trépas.

stumble ©
     1. v. Trébucher.
           He stumbled, but caught himself and avoided tripping.
     2. v. (Figuré) Se tromper.
           With his sure foot, he never stumbled once.
           Her son's strong conscience ensured that he would never stumble on the path of life.
     3. n. Chute (au sol).
     4. n. Erreur maladroite.

totter ©
     1. n. Chancellement.
     2. v. Chanceler.
     3. v. Barguigner, hésiter.

downfall ©
     1. n. Déchéance.

pitch ©
     1. v. Lancer.
           He pitched the horseshoe.
     2. v. (Baseball) Lancer, jeter une balle.
           (transitif) The hurler pitched a curveball.
           (intransitif) He pitched high and inside.
     3. v. (Baseball) Jouer le rôle de lanceur.
           Bob pitches today.
     4. v. (Familier) Lancer (un produit), promouvoir.
           He pitched the idea for months with no takers.
     5. v. Monter (une tente par exemple).
           Pitch the tent over there.
     6. v. (Marine) (Intransitif) Tanguer.
           (intransitif) The ship pitched in the heavy seas.
     7. v. (Musique) Poser, placer (sa voix), donner la note.
           To pitch is to produce a note of a given pitch.
     8. n. Sève, résine.
           Pitch is a sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees; sap.
           It is hard to get this pitch off of my hand.
     9. n. Poix, brai.
           Pitch is a dark, extremely viscous material remaining in still after distilling crude oil and tar.
           They put pitch on the mast to protect it. The barrel was sealed with pitch.
           It was pitch black because there was no moon.
     10. n. (Baseball) Lancer, action de jeter.
     11. n. Terrain (de cricket, soccer, rugby, camping, etc.).
     12. n. Pas, écartement.
     13. n. Inclinaison, angle, pente.
     14. n. (Marine) (Aéronautique) Tangage.
           The motion of an airplane can be described in terms of roll, pitch, and yaw.
     15. n. (Musique) Ton, diapason, personne qui donne le ton.
           In an a cappella group, the pitch is the singer responsible for singing a note for the other members to tune themselves by.
           Bob, our pitch, let out a clear middle “C” and our conductor gave the signal to start.
     16. n. Hauteur de la voix, d'un son.
           She has a very high-pitched voice.
     17. n. (Familier) Boniment, baratin.
           sales pitch

drop ©
     1. n. Chute.
           Watch your step. It's a large drop if you fail.
           Fais attention où tu mets les pieds. Tu chutes de haut si tu tombes.
     2. n. (Figuré) Abaissement.
           A drop in prices.
           Une diminution des prix.
           Une chute des prix.
     3. n. Goutte.
           A drop of water.
           Une goutte d'eau.
     4. v. Tomber.
     5. v. Laisser tomber, balancer (familier).
           Drop your weapons!
           Lâchez vos armes !
     6. v. (Familier) (Lutte) Faire tomber.
     7. v. (Intransitif) Choir.

punch line

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