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Le mot anglais pour confiture est


Définition en anglais

     1. n-f. jam (UK), jelly (US)
     2. n-f. preserve

Traductions de confiture et leurs définitions

jelly ©
     1. n. Gelée.
     2. n. (US) Confiture.
     3. n. Gros cul.

marmalade ©
     1. n. Confiture.
     2. v. Tartiner de la confiture.

preserve ©
     1. n. Confiture.
           We enjoyed eating strawberry preserves on our toast.
     2. n. Réserve pour la conservation d'animaux, d'écosytèmes, etc. ; réserve naturelle.
           Visitors to the nature preserve are forbidden to litter, to let their dogs off the leash, or to harvest plants and berries from the woods.
     3. n. (game preserve) Chasse gardée.
     4. v. Préserver.
     5. v. Conserver, maintenir, retenir.
     6. v. Confire.


     1. n. Confiture.
           I love strawberry jam.
     2. n. Embouteillage.
           Traffic jam.
     3. n. Impromptu musical.
     4. n. Difficulté
           I'm in a bit of a jam right now. Can you help me out?
     5. n. Bouchon.
           Paper jam.
     6. v. (Musique) Improviser de la musique.
           The musicians decided on the spur of the moment to get together and jam.
     7. v. (Défense) Brouiller.
           The enemy was jamming the radio broadcasts.
     8. v. (Argot) Bloquer un membre, un objet.
           They jammed him up, and he was never able to recover.

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