2. prep. at the bottom of, behind (covertly responsible for)
Je me demande qui est derrière tout ça. - I wonder who is at the bottom of all this.
3. adv. behind
Il était loin derrière. - He was far behind.
4. n-m. rear of an object
5. n-m. bottom, bum, backside
Traductions de derrière et leurs définitions
1. n. Fond, partie la plus basse d'un objet (y compris dans une perception abstraite de cette bassesse)
Footers appear at the bottom of the pages.
Le pied de page apparait en bas de la page.
The bottom line.
Le résultat final, le solde de tous comptes.
Those files should go on the bottom shelf.
Ces dossiers doivent aller dans les étagères du bas.
2. n. Partie du bateau qui est immergée. Bateau.
3. n. (Vulgaire) Arrière-train, derrière, cul, anus.
Bottoms up!
Cul sec !
A sore bottom is better than broken bones.
Un derrière douloureux est mieux que des os brisés.
4. n. Homosexuel passif.
I'm a bottom with someone taller than me and a top in the other cases.
Je suis un passif avec quelqu'un de plus grand que moi et un actif dans les autres cas.
5. n. (Par analogie) Soumis dans une relation sadomasochiste.
6. n. (Phys) Quark bottom.
7. n. (Baseball) Deuxième demi-manche.
8. v. Atteindre le fond.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average bottomed on September 24, 2001 le Dow Jones a atteint son plus bas point le 24 septembre 2001.
9. v. Fonder, soutenir.
Moreover, the Supreme Court has held that the President must obey outstanding executive orders, even when bottomed on the Constitution, until they are revoked.
10. v. Être soumis, dans une relation sadomasochiste.
1. n. The lowest part of anything.
Footers appear at the bottoms of pages.
2. n. (UK, slang) Character, reliability, staying power, dignity, integrity or sound judgment.
lack bottom
3. n. (UK, US) A valley, often used in place names.
Where shall we go for a walk? How about Ashcombe Bottom?
4. n. The buttocks or anus.
5. n. (nautical) A cargo vessel, a ship.
6. n. (nautical) Certain parts of a vessel, particularly the cargo hold or the portion of the ship that is always underwater.
7. n. (baseball) The second half of an inning, the home team's turn at bat.
8. n. (BDSM) A submissive in sadomasochistic sexual activity.
9. n. (LGBT, slang) A man penetrated or with a preference for being penetrated during homosexual intercourse.
10. n. (physics) A bottom quark.
11. n. (often, figuratively) The lowest part of a container.
12. n. A ball or skein of thread; a cocoon.
13. n. The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, or sea.
14. n. An abyss.
15. n. (obsolete) Power of endurance.
a horse of a good bottom
16. n. (obsolete) Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment.
17. n. (usually: bottoms or bottomland) Low-lying land near a river with alluvial soil.
18. v. To fall to the lowest point.
19. v. To establish firmly; to found or justify on or upon something; to set on a firm footing; to set or rest on or upon something which provides support or authority.
20. v. (intransitive) To rest, as upon an ultimate support; to be based or grounded.
21. v. (intransitive) To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog strikes the bottom of a space between two other cogs, or a piston the end of a cylinder.
22. v. (obsolete, transitive) To wind round something, as in making a ball of thread.
23. v. To furnish with a bottom.
to bottom a chair
24. v. To be the submissive in a BDSM relationship or roleplay.
Ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants. (traduction traditionnelle)
2. prep. Après.
I went home after we had decided to call it a day.
Je rentrai après que nous avions décidé que cela suffisait pour ce jour-là.
Donc tu as perforé une fenêtre pour avoir de la ventilation. Était-ce avant ou après avoir remarqué que tu te tenais sur un lac d'essence ?
3. adj. (Navigation) De derrière.
Quoi qu'il en soit, ils n'ont probablement pas utilisé un co-pilote, mais cette borne de chaise au bout de la pièce suggère qu'un officier supplémentaire était assis au cas où, prêt à prendre le relai.
1. prep. At the back of; positioned with something else in front of.
The car is behind the wall.
2. prep. To the back of.
3. prep. After, time- or motion-wise.
4. prep. responsible for
Who is behind these terrorist attacks?
5. prep. In support of.
The republicans are fully behind their candidate.
6. prep. Left a distance by, in progress or improvement; inferior to.
I'm ranked sixth in the French class, behind five other pupils.
7. prep. (non-standard, US, slang) As a result or consequence of
8. adv. At the back part; in the rear.
9. adv. Toward the back part or rear; backward.
to look behind
10. adv. Overdue, in arrears.
My employer is two paychecks behind on paying my salary.
I'm two weeks behind in my schedule.
11. adv. Slow; of a watch or clock.
My watch is four minutes behind.
12. adv. existing afterwards
He left behind a legacy of death and sorrow.
He stayed behind after the war.
13. adv. Backward in time or order of succession; past.
14. adv. Behind the scenes in a theatre; backstage.
15. adv. (archaic) Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view; out of sight; remaining.
16. n. the rear, back-end
17. n. (informal) butt, the buttocks, bottom
18. n. (Australian rules football) A one-point score.
19. n. (baseball, slang) The catcher.
20. n. In the Eton College field game, any of a group of players consisting of two "shorts" (who try to kick the ball over the bully) and a "long" (who defends the goal).
1. adj. (Non comparable) Postérieur.
2. adj. (Linguistique) Postérieur. Relatif aux voyelles postérieures.
3. v. À nouveau, de nouveau, encore.
After the timber companies cut down the trees, a second growth of trees grew back.
4. v. Arrière.
5. v. En arrière.
6. n. Dos.
7. n. Derrière, revers.
8. n. Fond.
9. n. Dossier (of a seat).
10. v. Reculer.
Back the truck into this spot, so we can unload it.
11. v. Soutenir.
Which candidate for president are you backing?
1. adj. (not comparable) Near the rear.
Go in the back door of the house.
2. adj. (not comparable) Not current.
I’d like to find a back issue of that magazine.
3. adj. (not comparable) Far from the main area.
They took a back road.
4. adj. (not comparable) In arrear; overdue.
They still owe three months' back rent.
5. adj. (not comparable) Moving or operating backward.
back action
6. adj. (comparable, phonetics) Pronounced with the highest part of the body of the tongue toward the back of the mouth, near the soft palate (most often describing a vowel).
The vowel of smallcaps - lot has a back vowel in most dialects of England.
7. adv. (not comparable) To or in a previous condition or place.
He gave back the money. He needs his money back. He was on vacation, but now he’s back. The office fell into chaos when you left, but now order is back.
8. adv. Away from the front or from an edge.
Sit all the way back in your chair.
Step back from the curb.
9. adv. In a manner that impedes.
Fear held him back.
10. adv. In a reciprocal manner.
If you hurt me, I'll hurt you back.
11. adv. Earlier, ago.
many years back
12. n. The rear of the body, especially the part between the neck and the end of the spine and opposite the chest and belly.
Could you please scratch my back?
13. n. The spine and associated tissues.
I hurt my back lifting those crates.
14. n. (slang) Large and attractive buttocks.
15. n. (figurative) The part of a piece of clothing which covers the back.
I still need to finish the back of your dress.
16. n. The backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back.
Can you fix the back of this chair?
17. n. (obsolete) That part of the body that bears clothing. (Now used only in the phrase clothes on one's back.)
18. n. That which is farthest away from the front.
He sat in the back of the room.
19. n. The side of any object which is opposite the front or useful side.
Turn the book over and look at the back.
20. n. # The edge of a book which is bound.
# The titles are printed on the backs of the books.
21. n. # (printing) The inside margin of a page.
22. n. # The side of a blade opposite the side used for cutting.
# Tap it with the back of your knife.
23. n. The reverse side; the side that is not normally seen.
I hung the clothes on the back of the door.
24. n. Area behind, such as the backyard of a house.
We'll meet out in the back of the library.
25. n. The part of something that goes last.
The car was near the back of the train.
26. n. (sports) In some team sports, a position behind most players on the team.
The backs were lined up in an I formation.
27. n. (figuratively) Upper part of a natural object which is considered to resemble an animal's back.
The small boat raced over the backs of the waves.
28. n. A support or resource in reserve.
29. n. (nautical) The keel and keelson of a ship.
The ship's back broke in the pounding surf.
30. n. (mining) The roof of a horizontal underground passage.
31. n. (slang) Effort, usually physical.
Put some back into it!
32. n. A non-alcoholic drink (often water or a soft drink), to go with hard liquor or a cocktail.
Could I get a martini with a water back?
33. n. Among leather dealers, one of the thickest and stoutest tanned hides.
34. v. (intransitive) To go in the reverse direction.
the train backed into the station; the horse refuses to back
35. v. To support.
I back you all the way; which horse are you backing in this race?
36. v. (nautical, of the wind) To change direction contrary to the normal pattern; that is, to shift anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
37. v. (nautical, of a square sail) To brace the yards so that the wind presses on the front of the sail, to slow the ship.
38. v. (nautical, of an anchor) To lay out a second, smaller anchor to provide additional holding power.
39. v. (of a hunting dog) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed.
40. v. To push or force backwards.
to back oxen
The mugger backed her into a corner and demanded her wallet.
41. v. (transitive, obsolete) To get upon the back of; to mount.
42. v. (transitive, obsolete) To place or seat upon the back.
43. v. To make a back for; to furnish with a back.
to back books
44. v. To adjoin behind; to be at the back of.
45. v. To write upon the back of, possibly as an endorsement.
to back a letter; to back a note or legal document
46. v. (legal, of a justice of the peace) To sign or endorse (a warrant, issued in another county, to apprehend an offender).
47. v. To row backward with (oars).
to back the oars
48. n. A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc.
49. n. A ferryboat.
1. adj. Postérieur, à l'arrière.
2. n. Postérieur, derrière, cul.
1. adj. Located behind, or towards the rear of an object.
2. adj. Following in order or in time.
3. adj. (anatomy) Nearer the back end; nearer the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal end in bipeds.
4. adj. (botany) Next to, or facing the main stem or axis.
1. adv. (archaic) Towards the back or rear; backwards.
2. adv. (archaic) In the rear; a distance behind.
3. adv. By surprise; startled; dumbfounded. (see usage)
4. adv. (nautical) Backward against the mast; said of the sails when pressed by the wind from the "wrong" (forward) side, or of a ship when its sails are set that way.
5. n. (obsolete) An abacus.
1. n. (Gallicisme) Derrière, fesses.
1. n. (chiefly humorous) bottom, bum
1. n. (Popu) Derrière, fesses.
2. n. Mégot.
Cigarette butt.
Mégot de cigarette.
3. n. Crosse (d'une arme), manche (d'un outil)
L'apparition d'une rangée de soldats faisant résonner leurs crosses de fusils sur le pas de notre porte, causa une certaine confusion parmi les convives.
4. n. Butte (3 : (figuré), victime, cible.
The butt of a joke.
La cible d'une plaisanterie.
5. v. Abouter.
6. v. Donner un coup de tête.
1. n. The larger or thicker end of something; the blunt end, in distinction from the sharp or narrow end
2. n. (North America, slang) The buttocks (used as a euphemism in idiomatic expressions; less objectionable than arse/ass).
Get up off your butt and get to work.
3. n. # (slang) The whole buttocks and pelvic region that includes one's private parts.
4. n. #: I can see your butt.
5. n. #: When the woman in the dress was sitting with her legs up, I could see up her butt.
6. n. # (slang) Body; self.
7. n. #: Get your butt to the car.
8. n. #: We can't chat today. I have to get my butt to work before I'm late.
9. n. (leather trades) The thickest and stoutest part of tanned oxhides, used for soles of boots, harness, trunks.
10. n. The waste end of anything
11. n. (slang) A used cigarette.
12. n. A piece of land left unplowed at the end of a field.
13. n. (obsolete, West of England) Hassock.
14. n. (generally) An end of something, often distinguished in some way from the other end.
15. n. The end of a firearm opposite to that from which a bullet is fired.
She was hit in the face with the butt of a shotgun.
16. n. (lacrosse) The plastic or rubber cap used to cover the open end of a lacrosse stick's shaft in order to reduce injury.
17. n. The portion of a half-coupling fastened to the end of a hose.
18. n. The end of a connecting rod or other like piece, to which the boxing is attached by the strap, cotter, and gib.
19. n. (mechanical) A joint where the ends of two objects come squarely together without scarfing or chamfering.
20. n. (carpentry) A kind of hinge used in hanging doors, etc., so named because it is attached to the inside edge of the door and butts against the casing, i
21. n. (shipbuilding) The joint where two planks in a strake meet.
22. n. A limit; a bound; a goal; the extreme bound; the end.
23. n. A mark to be shot at; a target.
24. n. A person at whom ridicule, jest, or contempt is directed.
He's usually the butt of their jokes.
25. n. The hut or shelter of the person who attends to the targets in rifle practice.
26. v. To join at the butt, end, or outward extremity; to terminate; to be bounded; to abut.
27. v. To strike bluntly, particularly with the head.
28. v. (intransitive) To strike bluntly with the head.
Rams butt at other males during mating season.
29. n. A push, thrust, or sudden blow, given by the head; a head butt.
Be careful in the pen, that ram can knock you down with a butt.
The handcuffed suspect gave the officer a desperate butt in the chest.
30. n. A thrust in fencing.
31. n. (English units) An English measure of capacity for liquids, containing 126 wine gallons which is one-half tun; equivalent to the pipe.
32. n. A wooden cask for storing wine, usually containing 126 gallons.
33. n. (Northern England) Any of various flatfish such as sole, plaice or turbot
34. n. (dated, West Country, &, Ireland) A heavy two-wheeled cart.
35. n. (dated, West Country, &, Ireland) A three-wheeled cart resembling a wheelbarrow.
rear end
rear end
1. n. The back or hindmost part of anything, such as a car.