1. v. to taste, to try (to sample something orally)
Je goûterai ta tarte demain car j’ai goûté un fameux tiramisu tout à l'heure. - I will taste your pie tomorrow, since I have just tasted a famous tiramisu.
2. v. (Belgium, Quebec) to taste like
Cette tarte goûte la cannelle. - This pie tastes like cinnamon.
3. v. (figurative) to approve, to appreciate
Le public goûte peu ces sortes d’ouvrages.
Après tant de troubles le pays goûtait un calme profond.
4. n-m. nuncheon
5. n-m. (France) meal similar to breakfast taken around 4 P.M
1. n. (UK) A formal afternoon meal comprising light snacks, accompanied by tea.
2. n. (Australia, NZ, Hong Kong) A small meal or snack eaten between lunch and dinner (supper); a period of time set aside for this purpose, taken as a break from work or from a conference.
1. n. Thé, théier (plante).
2. n. Thé (boisson).
3. n. (UK) Thé, goûter. (note) En Angleterre, le « thé » désigne un repas léger composé de mets sucrés et de mets salés qui est servi vers 17h. En France, le terme « thé » n'est utilisé que dans les milieux aisés.
4. n. (AU) (NZ) Repas du soir accompagné ou non de thé.
5. n. (Argot) (Désuet) Herbe (marijuana).
1. n. The dried leaves or buds of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis.
Go to the supermarket and buy some tea.
2. n. The drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water.
Would you like some tea?
3. n. A variety of the tea plant.
Darjeeling is a tea from India.
4. n. By extension, any drink made by infusing parts of various other plants. Also, meat stock served hot as a drink, often as a stimulant or restorative.
camomile tea; mint tea; beef tea
5. n. (Australia, British, Canada, New Zealand, northern US) A cup of any one of these drinks, often with a small amount of milk or cream added and sweetened with sugar or honey.
6. n. (Southern US) A glass of iced tea, typically served with ice cubes and sometimes with a slice or wedge of lemon.
7. n. (UK) A light meal eaten mid-afternoon, typically with tea; afternoon tea.
8. n. (Commonwealth) The main evening meal, irrespective of whether tea is drunk with it.
The family were sitting round the table, having their tea.
9. n. (cricket) The break in play between the second and third sessions.
Australia were 490 for 7 at tea on the second day.
10. n. (slang) Marijuana.
11. n. (slang) Information, especially sensitive and/or juicy gossip. (Connected to the idea of sipping tea while listening to such information.)
spill the tea on that drama
12. v. To drink tea.
13. v. To take afternoon tea (the light meal).
14. n. A moment, a historical unit of time from China, about the amount of time needed to quickly drink a traditional cup of tea. It is now found in Chinese-language historical fiction.
1. n. (now dialectal, archaic) A drink or light snack taken in the afternoon; a refreshment between meals.
1. n. (obsolete) (altname, terce): the third hour of daylight (about 9 am).
2. n. (obsolete) (altname, noon): the sixth hour of daylight (12 pm).
3. n. (UK dialect) (altname, afternoon).
4. n. (UK dialect) (altname, evening).
5. n. (UK dialect) A light meal, particularly in the afternoon.