2. n. A large cup for hot liquids, usually having a handle and used without a saucer.
3. n. (slang) The face, often used deprecatingly.
What an ugly mug.
4. n. (slang) A gullible or easily-cheated person.
He’s a gullible mug – he believed her again.
5. n. (Australia) A stupid or contemptible person.
6. v. (transitive, obsolete, UK) To strike in the face.
7. v. To assault for the purpose of robbery.
8. v. (intransitive) To exaggerate a facial expression for communicative emphasis; to make a face, to pose, as for photographs or in a performance, in an exaggerated or affected manner.
The children weren't interested in sitting still for a serious photo; they mugged for the camera.
9. v. To photograph for identification; to take a mug shot.(R:COED2, page=1129/64)
10. v. (Australia) To learn or review a subject as much as possible in a short time; cram.
11. n. (slang) Motherfucker (usually in similes, e.g. "like a mug" or "as a mug")
1. n. (Géographie) Hameau du Pays de Galles situé dans l'autorité unitaire de Carmarthenshire.
1. n. A machine or other device designed to catch (and sometimes kill) animals, either by holding them in a container, or by catching hold of part of the body.
I put down some traps in my apartment to try and deal with the mouse problem.
2. n. A trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense; a snare.
Unfortunately she fell into the trap of confusing biology with destiny.
3. n. A covering over a hole or opening; a trapdoor.
Close the trap, would you, before someone falls and breaks their neck.
4. n. A wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball
5. n. The game of trapball itself.
6. n. Any device used to hold and suddenly release an object.
They shot out of the school gates like greyhounds out of the trap.
7. n. A bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents the escape of noxious gases, but permits the flow of liquids.
8. n. A place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for lack of an outlet.
9. n. (historical) A light two-wheeled carriage with springs.
10. n. (slang) A person's mouth.
Keep your trap shut.
11. n. (in the plural) Belongings.
12. n. (slang) A cubicle (in a public toilet).
I've just laid a cable in trap 2 so I'd give it 5 minutes if I were you.
13. n. (sports) Trapshooting.
14. n. (computing) An exception generated by the processor or by an external event.
15. n. (Australia, slang) A mining license inspector during the Australian gold rush.
16. n. (US, slang) A vehicle, residential building, or sidewalk corner where drugs are manufactured, packaged, or sold. (Also used attributively to describe things which are used for the sale of drugs, e.g.
17. n. A kind of movable stepladder.
18. n. (slang) A non-op trans woman or (femininely dressed) transvestite.
19. n. (slang) A fictional character from anime, or related media, who is coded as or has qualities typically associated with a gender other than the character's textual gender.
20. n. (music) A fusion genre of hip-hop and electronic music.
21. v. To physically capture, to catch in a trap or traps, or something like a trap.
to trap foxes
22. v. To ensnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
23. v. To provide with a trap.
to trap a drain; to trap a sewer pipe
24. v. (intransitive) To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game
trap for beaver
25. v. (intransitive) To leave suddenly, to flee.
26. v. (US, slang) To sell narcotics, especially in a public area.
27. v. (computing, intransitive) To capture (e.g. an error) in order to handle or process it.
28. n. A dark coloured igneous rock, now used to designate any non-volcanic, non-granitic igneous rock; trap rock.
29. v. To dress with ornaments; to adorn (especially said of horses).
30. n. (slang) The trapezius muscle.
1. n. (Familier) (UK) Gueule.
2. n. (Familier) (UK) Crachat.
3. v. (Familier) (UK) Cracher.
1. n. A lump of soft or sticky material.
2. n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, slang) The mouth.
He′s always stuffing his gob with fast food.
Oi, you, shut your gob!
She's got such a gob on her – she′s always gossiping about someone or other.
3. n. (slang) Saliva or phlegm.
He spat a big ball of gob on to the pavement.
4. n. (US, military slang) A sailor.
5. n. (mining) Waste material in old mine workings, goaf.
6. n. (US, regional) A whoopee pie.
7. v. To gather into a lump.
8. v. To spit, especially to spit phlegm.
9. v. (mining, intransitive) To pack away waste material in order to support the walls of the mine.
1. n. (Archaïque) Estomac.
2. n. (Soutenu) Gueule.
3. n. (Régionalisme) (familier) Mère.
4. n. Mouette.
1. n. (archaic) The stomach, especially of an animal.
2. n. The upper digestive tract (where food enters the body), especially the mouth and jaws of a fearsome and ravenous creature.
3. n. Any large, insatiable or perilous opening.
4. n. Appetite; inclination.
5. n. (dialect, colloquial) Mother.
6. n. A gull.
1. n. Face, visage, figure.
2. n. (Géom) Face.
3. n. Réputation, image (d'une personne).
4. n. (Argot) Gueule.
Shut your face!
5. n. (Catch) Face.
6. v. Faire face à.
One must face one's fears.
1. n. (anatomy) The front part of the head, featuring the eyes, nose, and mouth and the surrounding area.
The monkey has a pretty face.
2. n. One's facial expression.
Why the sad face?
3. n. The public image; outward appearance.
The face of this company. He managed to show a bold face despite his embarrassment.
4. n. The frontal aspect of something.
The face of the cliff loomed above them.
5. n. (figurative) Presence; sight; front.
to fly in the face of danger; to speak before the face of God
6. n. The directed force of something.
They turned to boat into the face of the storm.
7. n. Good reputation; standing in the eyes of others; dignity; prestige. (See lose face, save face).
8. n. Shameless confidence; boldness; effrontery.
9. n. The width of a pulley, or the length of a cog from end to end.
a pulley or cog wheel of ten inches face
10. n. (geometry) Any of the flat bounding surfaces of a polyhedron. More generally, any of the bounding pieces of a polytope of any dimension.
11. n. Any surface; especially a front or outer one.
Put a big sign on each face of the building that can be seen from the road. They climbed the north face of the mountain. She wanted to wipe him off the face of the earth.
12. n. The numbered dial of a clock or watch, the clock face.
13. n. (slang) The mouth.
Shut your face! He's always stuffing his face with chips.
14. n. (slang) Makeup; one's complete facial cosmetic application.
I'll be out in a sec. Just let me put on my face.
15. n. (slang) Short for baby face. A headlining wrestler whose in-ring persona is embodying heroic or virtuous traits.
The fans cheered on the face as he made his comeback.
16. n. (cricket) The front surface of a bat.
17. n. (golf) The part of a golf club that hits the ball.
18. n. (cards) The side of the card that shows its value (as opposed to the back side, which looks the same on all cards of the deck).
19. n. (heraldiccharge) The head of a lion, shown face-on and cut off immediately behind the ears.
20. n. (typography) A typeface.
21. n. Mode of regard, whether favourable or unfavourable; favour or anger.
22. n. (computing) An interface.
23. n. The amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc., without any interest or discount; face value.
24. v. (transitive, of a person or animal) To position oneself or itself so as to have one's face closest to (something).
Face the sun.
25. v. (transitive, of an object) To have its front closest to, or in the direction of (something else).
Turn the chair so it faces the table.
26. v. To cause (something) to turn or present a face or front, as in a particular direction.
27. v. To deal with (a difficult situation or person); to accept (facts, reality, etc.) even when undesirable.
I'm going to have to face this sooner or later.
28. v. (intransitive) To have the front in a certain direction.
The bunkers faced north and east, toward Germany.
29. v. To have as an opponent.
30. v. (intransitive, cricket) To be the batsman on strike.
31. v. (obsolete) To confront impudently; to bully.
32. v. To cover in front, for ornament, protection, etc.; to put a facing upon.
a building faced with marble
33. v. To line near the edge, especially with a different material.
to face the front of a coat, or the bottom of a dress
34. v. To cover with better, or better appearing, material than the mass consists of, for purpose of deception, as the surface of a box of tea, a barrel of sugar, etc.
35. v. (engineering) To make the surface of (anything) flat or smooth; to dress the face of (a stone, a casting, etc.); especially, in turning, to shape or smooth the flat surface of, as distinguished from t
1. n. (slang) Mouth.
1. n. (Anatomie) Nez.
Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. (The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling)
Mère Louve était étendue, son gros nez gris tombé parmi ses quatre petits qui se culbutaient en criant, et la lune luisait par l'ouverture de la caverne où ils vivaient tous.
2. n. Flair
3. v. Sentir, flairer
1. n. A protuberance on the face housing the nostrils, which are used to breathe or smell.
She has a cold in the nose.
2. n. A snout, the nose of an animal.
3. n. The tip of an object.
the nose of a tea-kettle, a bellows, or a fighter plane
4. n. (horse racing) The length of a horse’s nose, used to indicate the distance between horses at the finish of a race, or any very close race.
Red Rum only won by a nose.
5. n. A perfumer.
6. n. The power of smelling.
7. n. Bouquet, the smell of something, especially wine.
8. n. The skill in recognising bouquet.
It is essential that a winetaster develops a good nose.
9. n. (by extension) Skill at finding information.
A successful reporter has a nose for news.
10. v. (intransitive) To move cautiously by advancing its front end.
The ship nosed through the minefield.
11. v. (intransitive) To snoop.
She was nosing around other people’s business.
12. v. To detect by smell or as if by smell.
13. v. To push with one's nose; to nuzzle.
14. v. To defeat (as in a race or other contest) by a narrow margin; sometimes with out.
15. v. To utter in a nasal manner; to pronounce with a nasal twang.
to nose a prayer
16. v. To furnish with a nose.
to nose a stair tread
17. v. To confront; be closely face to face or opposite to.