2. n. A (usually tubular) covering or lining to protect a piece of machinery etc.
This bearing requires a sleeve so the shaft will fit snugly.
3. n. A protective jacket or case, especially for a record, containing art and information about the contents; also the analogous leaflet found in a packaged CD.
4. n. A tattoo covering the whole arm.
5. n. A narrow channel of water.
6. n. sleave; untwisted thread.
7. n. (British Columbia) A serving of beer measuring between 14 and 16 ounces.
8. n. (US) A long, cylindrical plastic bag of cookies or crackers.
9. n. (electrical) A double tube of copper into which the ends of bare wires are pushed so that when the tube is twisted an electrical connection is made. The joint thus made is called a McIntire joint.
10. v. To fit a sleeve to
11. v. (magic tricks) To hide something up one's sleeve.
1. n. Poignée (pour prendre quelque chose).
2. n. Manche (d'un outil, d'un équipement).
3. n. Barre de manœuvre (d'un chariot, par ex.). Autres sens particuliers : tirette, levier, manette, anse (d'un panier, d'un pichet), châsse (d'un rasoir, d'une lancette).
4. n. Dans le cas particulier d'une charrue : mancheron.
5. n. (Courses hippiques, jeux de hasard et d'argent) Les paris : la totalité des sommes pariées sur une course au cours d'un après-midi ou d'une soirée, ou pendant la totalité d'une saison. Ellipse de total amount of money handled.
The daily handle was often in the $300,000 range.
6. n. Informatique Poignée : petit rectangle qui peut apparaître à l'un des angles ou sur un côté d'un cadre d'objet ou d'une fenêtre, et qui permet de redimensionner l'objet ou la fenêtre. Terme et définition normalisés par l'ISO/CÉI 2382-13:1996.
7. n. Informatique Indicateur : Code, souvent numérique, utilisé par le système d'exploitation pour identifier une ressource (fichier, bloc de mémoire, etc.) qui peut être saisie (par une application, un service) pour être plus tard relâchée.
A file handle. : Un indicateur de fichier.
8. n. Informatique Indicatif (d'un clavardeur, par ex.), pseudonyme. Sens emprunté au langage des télécommunications.
9. n. (Lutte sportive) Point de saisie.
10. n. (Métrologie) (AU) (NZ) Un verre de bière de 10 onces (285 mL), surtout dans le Territoire du Nord.
11. n. (Métrologie) (US) Une bouteille d'alcool d'un demi-gallon (environ 1,75 L).
12. n. (Physique atomique) Tête de préhension, en nanomanipulation.
13. n. (Télécommunications) Indicatif (d'un radioamateur, par ex.), pseudonyme.
14. n. (Textile) Main (d'un tissu, d'une étoffe) : Se dit, de manière souvent subjective, de la sensation d'épaisseur, de plein ou de matérialité d'une étoffe que l'on tient en main. Désigne aussi le toucher, bien qu'en français on fasse la différence : le
15. n. (Topologie) Anse.
16. n. (Toponymie) (Terreneuve-et-Labrador) (rare) Pointe.
17. v. Traiter, gérer.
18. v. Manier, manœuvrer.
19. v. Tâter, manipuler.
20. v. Informatique Traiter, gérer une exception : Agir immédiatement à la suite d'une exception. Terme et définition normalisés par l'ISO/CÉI 2382-7:2000.
21. v. (Navigation) Gouverner (un petit navire), barrer (une embarcation), manœuvrer.
1. n. The part of an object which is (designed to be) held in the hand when used or moved.
2. n. An instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool.
3. n. (gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments.
The daily handle of a Las Vegas casino is typically millions of dollars.
4. n. (textiles) The tactile qualities of a fabric, e.g., softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience, and other qualities perceived by touch.
5. n. (slang) A name, nickname or pseudonym.
6. n. (computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
This article describes how to find the module name from the window handle.
7. n. (Australia, New Zealand) A 10 fl oz (285 ml) glass of beer in the Northern Territory. (See also pot and middy for other regional variations.)
8. n. (US) A half-gallon (1.75-liter) bottle of alcohol. (Called a sixty in Canada.)
9. n. (geography, Newfoundland, and Labrador, rare) A point, an extremity of land.
the Handle of the Sug in Newfoundland
10. n. (topology) A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls.
11. n. (algebraic geometry) The smooth, irreducible subcurve of a comb which connects to each of the other components in exactly one point.
12. v. To touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s).
13. v. (transitive, rare) To accustom to the hand; to take care of with the hands.
14. v. To manage, use, or wield with the hands.
15. v. To manage, control, or direct.
16. v. To treat, to deal with (in a specified way).
she handled the news with grace, the Persians handled the French ambassador shamefully
17. v. To deal with (a subject, argument, topic, or theme) in speaking, in writing, or in art.
18. v. To receive and transfer; to have pass through one's hands; hence, to buy and sell.
a merchant handles a variety of goods, or a large stock
19. v. (transitive, rare) To be concerned with; to be an expert in.
20. v. To put up with; to endure (and continue to function).
I can't handle this hot weather.
21. v. (intransitive) To use the hands.
22. v. (intransitive) To behave in a particular way when handled (managed, controlled, directed).
the car handles well
1. n. (Régions) Département de la Manche.
1. n. (obsolete form of maunch) qual, a sleeve
2. n. The neck of a violin, etc.
1. n. (Jeux vidéo) Manette de jeu, manette, manche à balai.
1. n. A mechanical device consisting of a handgrip mounted on a base or pedestal and typically having one or more buttons, used to control an aircraft, computer or other equipment.
2. n. (slang) A penis.
3. v. (rare) To manoeuvre by means of a joystick.
1. n. (Anat) Cou.
2. n. Collet.
3. n. Goulot.
4. n. Manche d'instrument à cordes.
5. n. (Géologie) Masse de roches volcaniques, de forme cylindrique, laissée en relief par l'érosion.
6. v. (Transitif) Boire rapidement.
7. v. (Intransitif) (États-Unis) Se bécoter ; faire l'amour.
1. n. (anatomy) The part of body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.
2. n. The corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts.
3. n. The part of a shirt, dress etc., which fits a person's neck.
4. n. The tapered part of a bottle toward the opening.
5. n. (botany) The slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm swim to reach the egg.
6. n. (music) The extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted
7. n. A long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts.
8. n. (engineering) A reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around it.
a neck forming the journal of a shaft
9. n. The constriction between the root and crown of a tooth.
10. n. (architecture) The gorgerin of a capital.
11. n. (firearms) The small part of a gun between the chase and the swell of the muzzle.
12. n. (informal, MLE, slang) A falsehood; a lie.
13. v. To hang by the neck; strangle; kill, eliminate
Go neck yourself.
14. v. (chiefly US) To make love; to intently kiss or cuddle; to canoodle.
Alan and Betty were necking in the back of a car when Betty's dad caught them.
1. v. To fit, as for a specific end or purpose; make suitable or comfortable; adapt; adjust.
2. v. To construct by fitting or uniting together various parts; fabricate by union of constituent parts.
3. v. To bring or put into form or order; adjust the parts or elements of; compose; contrive; plan; devise.
4. v. Of a constructed object such as a building, to put together the structural elements.
Once we finish framing the house, we'll hang tin on the roof.
5. v. Of a picture such as a painting or photograph, to place inside a decorative border.
6. v. To position visually within a fixed boundary.
The director frames the fishing scene very well.
7. v. To construct in words so as to establish a context for understanding or interpretation.
How would you frame your accomplishments?
The way the opposition has framed the argument makes it hard for us to win.
8. v. (transitive, criminology) Conspire to incriminate falsely a presumably innocent person.
The gun had obviously been placed in her car in an effort to frame her.
9. v. (intransitive, dialectal, mining) To wash ore with the aid of a frame.
10. v. (intransitive, dialectal) To move.
11. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To proceed; to go.
12. v. (tennis) To hit (the ball) with the frame of the racquet rather than the strings (normally a mishit).
13. v. (transitive, obsolete) To strengthen; refresh; support.
14. v. (transitive, obsolete) To execute; perform.
All have sworn him an oath that they should frame his will on earth.
15. v. (transitive, obsolete) To cause; to bring about; to produce.
16. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To profit; avail.
17. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To fit; accord.
18. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To succeed in doing or trying to do something; manage.
19. n. The structural elements of a building or other constructed object.
Now that the frame is complete, we can start on the walls.
20. n. Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure.
21. n. The structure of a person's body.
His starved flesh hung loosely on his once imposing frame.
22. n. A rigid, generally rectangular mounting for paper, canvas or other flexible material.
The painting was housed in a beautifully carved frame.
23. n. A piece of photographic film containing an image.
A film projector shows many frames in a single second.
24. n. A context for understanding or interpretation.
In this frame, it's easy to ask the question that the investigators missed.
25. n. (snooker) A complete game of snooker, from break-off until all the balls (or as many as necessary to win) have been potted.
26. n. (networking) An independent chunk of data sent over a network.
27. n. (bowling) A set of balls whose results are added together for scoring purposes. Usually two balls, but only one ball in the case of a strike, and three balls in the case of a strike or a spare in the
28. n. (horticulture) A movable structure used for the cultivation or the sheltering of plants.
a forcing-frame; a cucumber frame
29. n. (philately) The outer decorated portion of a stamp's image, often repeated on several issues although the inner picture may change.
30. n. (philately) The outer circle of a cancellation mark.
31. n. (film, animation, video games) A division of time on a multimedia timeline, such as 1/30th or 1/60th of a second.
32. n. (Internet) An individually scrollable region of a webpage.
33. n. (baseball, slang) An inning.
34. n. (engineering, dated, mostly, UK) Any of certain machines built upon or within framework.
a stocking frame; a lace frame; a spinning frame
35. n. (dated) frame of mind; disposition
to be always in a happy frame
36. n. (obsolete) Contrivance; the act of devising or scheming.
37. n. (dated, video games) A stage or level of a video game.
38. n. (genetics, "reading frame") A way of dividing nucleotide sequences into a set of consecutive triplets.
39. n. (computing) A form of knowledge representation in artificial intelligence.
40. n. (mathematics) A complete lattice in which meets distribute over arbitrary joins.
1. n. (Baseball) (Cricket) Manche.
1. n. (baseball) A period of play in which members of a visiting baseball team attempt to hit a baseball pitched by the opposing home team until three players are called out, followed by a similar attempt b
It is a baseball tradition to sing "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" during the seventh inning stretch.
2. n. (softball) A similar period of play.
We batted around in our half of the inning.
3. n. (billiards) A player (or team)'s turn at the table to make shots until ended by a miss or a foul.
4. n. A chance or opportunity to perform some deed or act.
We are in just the second inning of our quest to enter this new market.
5. n. (obsolete) The gathering of a crop; harvesting.