Lexis Rex - Accueil

Le mot anglais pour montre est


Définition en anglais

     1. n-f. watch, wristwatch
     2. n-f. (dated) display, showcase
     3. v. first-person singular present of montrer
     4. v. third-person singular present of montrer
     5. v. second-person singular imperative of montrer

Traductions de montre et leurs définitions

     1. n. (Horlogerie) Montre (appareil pour donner l'heure).
           Three witches watch three watches. Which witch watches which watch?
           Trois sorcières surveillent trois montres. Quelle sorcière surveille quelle montre ?
     2. n. Garde.
     3. v. Assister à, regarder.
           Would you like to watch a football match?
     4. v. Regarder.
           Let's watch the football match on television tonight.
     5. v. Observer.
           I want to watch his reaction to the first test.
           Je veux observer ses réactions lors du premier test.
     6. v. Surveiller.
           Watch your valuables.
           Three witches watch three watches. Which witch watches which watch?
           Trois sorcières surveillent trois montres. Quelle sorcière surveille quelle montre?

     1. n. Montre-bracelet, bracelet-montre, montre.

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