1. n. Any of several groups of bivalve shellfish with elongated, asymmetrical shells
2. n. fresh water mussels, usually edible, of the order Unionida in subclass.
3. n. salt water mussels, usually edible, of the order Mytilida in subclass Pteriomorphia.
4. n. Certain other bivalves of somewhat similar appearance, such as the zebra mussel and quagga mussel of the family in subclass Heterodonta.
1. adj. (Équitation) Pris dans son box : se dit d'un animal, habituellement un cheval, qui s'est couché, les pattes trop près d'un mur de sa stalle, et n'a plus l'espace nécessaire pour se donner l'impulsion qui lui permette de se remettre debout.
2. n. Moulage, modèle.
3. n. (Armes à feu) Dévers de la crosse, avantage de la crosse : décalage latéral de la crosse d'une arme à feu en fonction de la largeur de poitrine du tireur, surtout sur un fusil de chasse.
4. n. (Géologie) (Paléontologie) Contre-empreinte : après qu'un animal ou une plante ait laissé une empreinte plus ou moins profonde dans un sol mou devenu ensuite roche dure, la contre-empreinte se forme lorsque de nouveaux sédiments viennent remplir l'e
5. n. (Gymnastique) Bascule allemande, élan en arrière.
6. n. (Prog) Transtypage, forçage du type d'une variable.
7. n. (Médecine) Plâtre.
8. n. (Médecine) Renal cast, tube cast : Cylindre urinaire, agglomérat de protéines et de cellules précipitées moulées dans la lumière des tubules rénaux.
9. n. (Natation) Entrée : portion d'un plongeon où le corps du plongeur pénètre dans l'eau.
10. n. (Pêche) Lancer : jet de l'appât ou du leurre, dans la pêche au lancer.
11. n. (Pêche) (UK) Avançon, bas de ligne : en pêche sportive, longueur de nylon, de soie ou de fil à laquelle l'appât ou l'hameçon est attaché. En Amérique, on dit plutôt leader.
12. n. (Textile) Reflet.
A colour has cast. : Une couleur a un reflet.
13. n. (Théâtre) (Cinéma) Distribution : ensemble des acteurs, des comédiens d'une production de théâtre, de cinéma, ou de télévision.
14. v. (Archaïque) Accoucher tôt.
15. v. (Golf) Aller à la pêche : se dit du golfeur qui casse les poignets trop tôt durant la descente, comme s'il allait « à la pêche ».
16. v. (Marine) Abattre : pour un navire, s'écarter du lit du vent.
17. v. (Pêche) Lancer la ligne, dans la pêche au lancer.
18. v. Jeter, projeter.
To cast a spell. Jeter un sort.
19. v. (Informatique) Forcer le type d'une variable.
20. v. (Médecine) Plâtrer (un bras, une jambe).
21. v. (Métallurgie) (Plasturgie) Couler, jeter : produire un objet de forme définie en versant ou en injectant un métal (ou un autre produit à l'état liquide) dans un moule où il se solidifiera.
22. v. (Stéréotypie) Verser le métal en fusion dans la matrice.
23. v. (Théâtre) (Cinéma) Faire les choix de distribution, de figuration.
Who are they going to cast for the lead role?
Qui sera choisi pour le rôle principal ?
24. v. (Tricot) Monter (des mailles).
25. v. (Typographie) Verser le métal en fusion dans les moules à caractères.
1. v. (physical) To move, or be moved, away.
2. v. (now somewhat literary) To throw.
3. v. To throw forward (a fishing line, net etc.) into the sea.
4. v. Specifically, to throw down or aside.
5. v. (of an animal) To throw off (the skin) as a process of growth; to shed the hair or fur of the coat.
6. v. To cause (a horse or other large animal) to lie down with its legs underneath it.
7. v. (obsolete except in set phrases) To remove, take off (clothes).
8. v. (nautical) To heave the lead and line in order to ascertain the depth of water.
9. v. (obsolete) To vomit.
10. v. (archaic) To throw up, as a mound, or rampart.
11. v. (archaic) To throw out or emit; to exhale.
12. v. To direct (one's eyes, gaze etc.).
13. v. (dated) To add up (a column of figures, accounts etc.); cross-cast refers to adding up a row of figures.
14. v. (social) To predict, to decide, to plan.
15. v. (astrology) To calculate the astrological value of (a horoscope, birth etc.).
16. v. (obsolete) To plan, intend.
17. v. To assign (a role in a play or performance).
The director cast the part carefully.
18. v. To assign a role in a play or performance to (an actor).
The director cast John Smith as King Lear.
19. v. To consider; to turn or revolve in the mind; to plan.
to cast about for reasons
20. v. (archaic) To impose; to bestow; to rest.
21. v. (archaic) To defeat in a lawsuit; to decide against; to convict.
to be cast in damages
22. v. To turn (the balance or scale); to overbalance; hence, to make preponderate; to decide.
a casting voice
23. v. To perform, bring forth (a magical spell or enchantment).
24. v. To throw (light etc.) on or upon something, or in a given direction.
25. v. (archaic) To give birth to (a child) prematurely; to miscarry.
26. v. To shape (molten metal etc.) by pouring into a mould; to make (an object) in such a way.
27. v. (printing, dated) To stereotype or electrotype.
28. v. To twist or warp (of fabric, timber etc.).
29. v. (nautical) To bring the bows of a sailing ship on to the required tack just as the anchor is weighed by use of the headsail; to bring (a ship) round.
30. v. To deposit (a ballot or voting paper); to formally register (one's vote).
31. v. (computing) To change a variable type from, for example, integer to real, or integer to text.
Casting is generally an indication of bad design.
32. v. (hunting) Of dogs, hunters: to spread out and search for a scent.
33. v. (medicine) To set (a bone etc.) in a cast.
34. v. (Wicca) To open a circle in order to begin a spell or meeting of witches.
35. n. An act of throwing.
36. n. Something which has been thrown, dispersed etc.
37. n. A small mass of earth "thrown off" or excreted by a worm.
The area near the stream was covered with little bubbly worm casts.
38. n. The collective group of actors performing a play or production together. Contrasted with crew.
He’s in the cast of Oliver.
The cast was praised for a fine performance.
39. n. The casting procedure.
The men got into position for the cast, two at the ladle, two with long rods, all with heavy clothing.
40. n. An object made in a mould.
The cast would need a great deal of machining to become a recognizable finished part.
41. n. A supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones.
The doctor put a cast on the boy’s broken arm.
42. n. The mould used to make cast objects.
A plaster cast was made from his face.
43. n. (hawking) The number of hawks (or occasionally other birds) cast off at one time; a pair.
44. n. A squint.
45. n. Visual appearance.
Her features had a delicate cast to them.
46. n. The form of one's thoughts, mind etc.
a cast of mind, a mental tendency.
47. n. An animal, especially a horse, that is unable to rise without assistance.
48. n. Animal and insect remains which have been regurgitated by a bird.