1. adj. Connected to or depending on something else; comparative.
2. adj. (computing, of a URL, URI, path, or similar) Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form.
The relative URL/images/pic.jpg, when evaluated in the context ofhttp&x3A;//example.com/docs/pic.html, corresponds to the absolute URLhttp&x3A;//example.com/images/pic.jpg.
3. adj. (grammar) That relates to an antecedent.
4. adj. (music) Having the same key but differing in being major or minor.
5. adj. Relevant; pertinent; related.
relative to your earlier point about taxes, ...
6. adj. Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance; conditional.
7. n. Someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Why do my relatives always talk about sex?
8. n. (linguistics) A type of adjective that inflects like a relative clause, rather than a true adjective, in certain Bantu languages.
family member
family member
1. n. A person belonging to a particular family; a close relative or relation.
1. n. (Vieilli) Parent (membre de la même famille).