1. n. A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, especially upon an old garment to cover a hole.
His sleeves had patches on the elbows where different fabric had been sewn on to replace material that had worn away.
2. n. A small piece of anything used to repair damage or a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc.
I can't afford to replace the roof, which is what it really needs. I'll have the roofer apply a patch.
3. n. A repair intended to be used for a limited time; (differs from previous usage in that it is intended to be a temporary fix and the size of the repair is irrelevant). This usage can mean that the repai
Before you can fix a dam, you have to apply a patch to the hole so that everything can dry off.or that it is temporary because it is not meant to last long or will be removed as soon as a prope
"This patch should hold until you reach the city," the mechanic said as he patted the car's hood.
4. n. A small, usually contrasting but always somehow different or distinct, part of something else (location, time, size)
The world economy had a rough patch in the 1930s.
To me, a normal cow is white with black patches, but Sarah's from Texas and most of the cows there have solid brown, black, or red coats.
Doesn't that patch of clouds looks like a bunny?
When ice skating, be sure to stay away from reeds: there are always thin patches of ice there, and you could fall through.
I never get first place because on track eight, right after you pass the windmill, there's a patch of oil in the road that always gets me.
5. n. (specifically) A small area, a small plot of land or piece of ground.
Scattered patches of trees or growing corn.
6. n. An area of professional responsibility
7. n. (historical) A small piece of black silk stuck on the face or neck to heighten beauty by contrast, worn by ladies in the 17th and 18th centuries; an imitation beauty mark.
8. n. (medicine) A piece of material used to cover a wound.
9. n. (medicine) An adhesive piece of material, impregnated with a drug, which is worn on the skin, the drug being slowly absorbed over a period of time.
Many people use a nicotine patch to wean themselves off of nicotine.
10. n. (medicine) A cover worn over a damaged eye, an eyepatch.
He had scratched his cornea so badly that his doctor told him to wear a patch.
11. n. A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.
12. n. (computing) A patch file, a file used for input to a patch program or that describes changes made to a computer file or files, usually changes made to a computer program that fix a programming bug.
13. n. A small piece of material that is manually passed through a gun barrel to clean it.
14. n. A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.
15. n. (often, patch cable, patch cord etc.; see also patch panel) A cable connecting two pieces of electrical equipment.
16. n. A sound setting for a musical synthesizer (originally selected by means of a patch cable).
17. v. To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like
MY coat needs patching.
18. v. To mend with pieces; to repair by fastening pieces on.
19. v. To make out of pieces or patches, like a quilt.
20. v. To join or unite the pieces of; to patch the skirt.
21. v. A temporary, removable electronic connection, as one between two components in a communications system.
22. v. (generally with the particle "up") To repair or arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner
a truce has been patched up.
23. v. (computing) To make the changes a patch describes; to apply a patch to the files in question. Hence:
24. v. To fix or improve a computer program without a complete upgrade.
25. v. To make a quick and possibly temporary change to a program.
26. v. To connect two pieces of electrical equipment using a cable.
I'll need to patch the preamp output to the mixer.
27. n. (archaic) A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool.
1. n. Bloc, morceau.
2. n. Échantillon d'une matière, généralement de taille imposante.
A chunk of granite.
3. n. (Informatique) Fragment de fichier multimédia, tel que PNG, IFF, MP3 ou AVI.
4. v. Tailler en bloc.
1. n. A part of something that has been separated.
The statue broke into chunks.
2. n. A representative portion of a substance, often large and irregular.
a chunk of granite
3. n. (linguistics, education) A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a bundle or cluster.
examples of chunks would include "in accordance with", "the results of", and "so far"
4. n. (computing) A discrete segment of a file, stream, etc. (especially one that represents audiovisual media); a block.
5. n. (comedy) A segment of a comedian's performance
6. v. To break into large pieces or chunks.
7. v. To break down (language, etc.) into conceptual chunks of manageable size.
1. v. (intransitive) To act in a manner such that one has fun; to engage in activities expressly for the purpose of recreation or entertainment.
They played long and hard.
2. v. To perform in (a sport); to participate in (a game).
He plays on three teams. Who's playing now? play football; play sports; play games
3. v. To compete against, in a game.
4. v. (in the scoring of games and sports) To be the opposing score to.
Look at the score now ... 23 plays 8!
5. v. (intransitive) To take part in amorous activity; to make love, fornicate; to have sex.
6. v. To act as the indicated role, especially in a performance.
He plays the King, and she's the Queen. No part of the brain plays the role of permanent memory.
7. v. (heading, transitive, intransitive) To produce music or theatre.
8. v. (intransitive, of a musical instrument) To produce music.
9. v. (intransitive, especially, of a person) To produce music using a musical instrument.
I've practiced the piano off and on, but I still can't play very well.
10. v. (transitive, especially, of a person) To produce music (or a specified song or musical style) using (a specified musical instrument).
I'll play the piano and you sing. Can you play an instrument? We especially like to play jazz together. Play a song for me.&ems
11. v. (transitive, ergative) To use a device to watch or listen to the indicated recording.
You can play the DVD now.
12. v. (intransitive, of a theatrical performance) To be performed; (or of a, film) to be shown.
His latest film is playing in the local theatre tomorrow.
13. v. (transitive, of a theatrical company, or band, etc.) To perform in or at; to give performances in or at.
14. v. To act or perform (a play).
to play a comedy
15. v.To behave in a particular way.:
16. v. (copulative) Contrary to fact, to give an appearance of being.
17. v. (intransitive) To act with levity or thoughtlessness; to trifle; to be careless.
18. v. (intransitive) To act; to behave; to practice deception.
19. v. To bring into sportive or wanton action; to exhibit in action; to execute.
to play tricks
20. v. (intransitive) To move in any manner; especially, to move regularly with alternate or reciprocating motion; to operate.
The fountain plays.
21. v. (intransitive) To move gaily; to disport.
22. v. To put in action or motion.
to play cannon upon a fortification; to play a trump in a card game
23. v. To keep in play, as a hooked fish, in order to land it.
24. v. (transitive, colloquial) To manipulate, deceive, or swindle someone.
You played me!
25. n. (formerly ) Activity for amusement only, especially among the young.
26. n. Similar activity, in young animals, as they explore their environment and learn new skills.
27. n. (ethology) "Repeated, incompletely functional behavior differing from more serious versions ..., and initiated voluntarily when ... in a low-stress setting.".
28. n. The conduct, or course of a game.
29. n. An individual's performance in a sport or game.
30. n. (turn-based games) An action carried out when it is one's turn to play.
31. n. A literary composition, intended to be represented by actors impersonating the characters and speaking the dialogue.
32. n. A theatrical performance featuring actors.
We saw a two-act play in the theatre.
33. n. A major move by a business.
34. n. A geological formation that contains an accumulation or prospect of hydrocarbons or other resources.
35. n. The extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely.
No wonder the fanbelt is slipping: there’s too much play in it.
Too much play in a steering wheel may be dangerous.
36. n. (informal) Sexual activity or sexual role-playing.
37. n. (archaic, now usually in compounds) Activity relating to martial combat or fighting.
handplay, swordplay
1. n. Fragment, morceau, pan, pièce.
2. n. Contingent, part, partie, portion.
3. n. (Argot) Pistolet.
4. v. Recontruire
5. v. (Figuré) Résoudre (un problème, une énigme)
1. n. A part of a larger whole, usually in such a form that it is able to be separated from other parts.
I’d like another piece of pie.
2. n. A single item belonging to a class of similar items
a piece of machinery
a piece of software
A useful piece of advice
3. n. (chess) One of the figures used in playing chess, specifically a higher-value figure as distinguished from a pawn; by extension, a similar counter etc. in other games.
4. n. A coin, especially one valued at less than the principal unit of currency.
a sixpenny piece
5. n. An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, musical composition, literary work, etc.
She played two beautiful pieces on the piano.
6. n. (military) An artillery gun.
7. n. (US, colloquial) A gun.
He's packin' a piece!
8. n. (US, Canada colloquial short for hairpiece) A toupee or wig, especially when worn by a man.
The announcer is wearing a new piece.
9. n. (Scotland, Ireland, UK, US, dialectal) A slice or other quantity of bread, eaten on its own; a sandwich or light snack.
10. n. (US, colloquial vulgar) A sexual encounter; from piece of ass or piece of tail
I got a piece at lunchtime.
11. n. (US, colloquial mildly vulgar short for piece of crap/piece of shit) A shoddy or worthless object (usually applied to consumer products like vehicles or appliances).
Ugh, my new computer is such a piece. I'm taking it back to the store tomorrow.
12. n. (US, slang) A cannabis pipe.
13. n. (baseball) Used to describe a pitch that has been hit but not well, usually either being caught by the opposing team or going foul. Usually used in the past tense with got, and never used in the plura
he got a piece of that one; she got a piece of the ball...and it's going foul.
14. n. (dated, sometimes derogatory) An individual; a person.
15. n. (obsolete) A castle; a fortified building.
16. n. (US) A pacifier.
17. n. (colloquial) A distance.
a far piece
located a fair piece away from their camp
a fair piece off
18. v. (transitive usually with together) To assemble (something real or figurative).
These clues allowed us to piece together the solution to the mystery.
19. v. To make, enlarge, or repair, by the addition of a piece or pieces; to patch; often with out.
to piece a garment
20. v. (slang) To produce a work of graffiti more complex than a tag.
2. n. The private room of an individual, especially of someone wealthy or noble.
3. n. A bedroom.
4. n. The private office of a judge.
5. n. The room used for deliberation by a legislature.
6. n. (UK) A single law office in a building housing several.
7. n. (dated) Rooms in a lodging house.
8. n. (obsolete) (clipping of chamber pot): a container used for urination and defecation in one's chambers.
9. n. (figuratively) The legislature or division of the legislature itself.
The resolution, which speedily passed the Senate, was unable to gain a majority in the lower chamber.
10. n. Any enclosed space occupying or similar to a room.
A canal lock chamber; a furnace chamber; a test chamber
11. n. (firearms) The area holding the ammunition round at the initiation of its discharge.
Dianne loaded a cartridge into the chamber of the rifle, then prepared to take aim at the target.
12. n. (firearms) One of the bullet-holding compartments in the cylinder of a revolver.
13. n. (historical) A short piece of ordnance or cannon which stood on its breech without any carriage, formerly used chiefly for celebrations and theatrical cannonades.
14. v. To enclose in a room.
She had chambered herself in her room, and wouldn't come out.
15. v. To reside in or occupy a chamber or chambers.
16. v. To place in a chamber, as a round of ammunition.
The hunter fired at the geese and missed, then shrugged his shoulders and chambered another cartridge.
17. v. To create or modify a gun to be a specific caliber.
The rifle was originally chambered for 9mm, but had since been modified for a larger, wildcat caliber.
18. v. In martial arts, to prepare an offensive, defensive, or counteroffensive action by drawing a limb or weapon to a position where it may be charged with kinetic energy.
Bob chambered his fist for a blow, but Sheila struck first.