5. n-f. handle (of a door, drawer, suitcase, sword, etc.)
Traductions de poignée et leurs définitions
1. n. Poignée (pour prendre quelque chose).
2. n. Manche (d'un outil, d'un équipement).
3. n. Barre de manœuvre (d'un chariot, par ex.). Autres sens particuliers : tirette, levier, manette, anse (d'un panier, d'un pichet), châsse (d'un rasoir, d'une lancette).
4. n. Dans le cas particulier d'une charrue : mancheron.
5. n. (Courses hippiques, jeux de hasard et d'argent) Les paris : la totalité des sommes pariées sur une course au cours d'un après-midi ou d'une soirée, ou pendant la totalité d'une saison. Ellipse de total amount of money handled.
The daily handle was often in the $300,000 range.
6. n. Informatique Poignée : petit rectangle qui peut apparaître à l'un des angles ou sur un côté d'un cadre d'objet ou d'une fenêtre, et qui permet de redimensionner l'objet ou la fenêtre. Terme et définition normalisés par l'ISO/CÉI 2382-13:1996.
7. n. Informatique Indicateur : Code, souvent numérique, utilisé par le système d'exploitation pour identifier une ressource (fichier, bloc de mémoire, etc.) qui peut être saisie (par une application, un service) pour être plus tard relâchée.
A file handle. : Un indicateur de fichier.
8. n. Informatique Indicatif (d'un clavardeur, par ex.), pseudonyme. Sens emprunté au langage des télécommunications.
9. n. (Lutte sportive) Point de saisie.
10. n. (Métrologie) (AU) (NZ) Un verre de bière de 10 onces (285 mL), surtout dans le Territoire du Nord.
11. n. (Métrologie) (US) Une bouteille d'alcool d'un demi-gallon (environ 1,75 L).
12. n. (Physique atomique) Tête de préhension, en nanomanipulation.
13. n. (Télécommunications) Indicatif (d'un radioamateur, par ex.), pseudonyme.
14. n. (Textile) Main (d'un tissu, d'une étoffe) : Se dit, de manière souvent subjective, de la sensation d'épaisseur, de plein ou de matérialité d'une étoffe que l'on tient en main. Désigne aussi le toucher, bien qu'en français on fasse la différence : le
15. n. (Topologie) Anse.
16. n. (Toponymie) (Terreneuve-et-Labrador) (rare) Pointe.
17. v. Traiter, gérer.
18. v. Manier, manœuvrer.
19. v. Tâter, manipuler.
20. v. Informatique Traiter, gérer une exception : Agir immédiatement à la suite d'une exception. Terme et définition normalisés par l'ISO/CÉI 2382-7:2000.
21. v. (Navigation) Gouverner (un petit navire), barrer (une embarcation), manœuvrer.
1. n. The part of an object which is (designed to be) held in the hand when used or moved.
2. n. An instrument for effecting a purpose (either literally or figuratively); a tool.
3. n. (gambling) The gross amount of wagering within a given period of time or for a given event at one of more establishments.
The daily handle of a Las Vegas casino is typically millions of dollars.
4. n. (textiles) The tactile qualities of a fabric, e.g., softness, firmness, elasticity, fineness, resilience, and other qualities perceived by touch.
5. n. (slang) A name, nickname or pseudonym.
6. n. (computing) A reference to an object or structure that can be stored in a variable.
This article describes how to find the module name from the window handle.
7. n. (Australia, New Zealand) A 10 fl oz (285 ml) glass of beer in the Northern Territory. (See also pot and middy for other regional variations.)
8. n. (US) A half-gallon (1.75-liter) bottle of alcohol. (Called a sixty in Canada.)
9. n. (geography, Newfoundland, and Labrador, rare) A point, an extremity of land.
the Handle of the Sug in Newfoundland
10. n. (topology) A topological space homeomorphic to a ball but viewed as a product of two lower-dimensional balls.
11. n. (algebraic geometry) The smooth, irreducible subcurve of a comb which connects to each of the other components in exactly one point.
12. v. To touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s).
13. v. (transitive, rare) To accustom to the hand; to take care of with the hands.
14. v. To manage, use, or wield with the hands.
15. v. To manage, control, or direct.
16. v. To treat, to deal with (in a specified way).
she handled the news with grace, the Persians handled the French ambassador shamefully
17. v. To deal with (a subject, argument, topic, or theme) in speaking, in writing, or in art.
18. v. To receive and transfer; to have pass through one's hands; hence, to buy and sell.
a merchant handles a variety of goods, or a large stock
19. v. (transitive, rare) To be concerned with; to be an expert in.
20. v. To put up with; to endure (and continue to function).
I can't handle this hot weather.
21. v. (intransitive) To use the hands.
22. v. (intransitive) To behave in a particular way when handled (managed, controlled, directed).
the car handles well
door handle
1. n. Poignée de porte.
door handle
1. n. A mechanism attached to a door and used to open or close it.
1. n. The amount that a hand will grasp or contain.
I put two or three corns in my mouth, liked it, stole a handful, went into my chamber, chewed it, and for two months after never failed taking toll of every pennyworth of oatmeal that came into
2. n. (obsolete) A hand's breadth; four inches.
3. n. A small number, usually approximately five.
4. n. A group or number of things; a bunch.
5. n. Something which can only be managed with difficulty.
1. n. The handle of a sword, consisting of grip, guard, and pommel, designed to facilitate use of the blade and afford protection to the hand.
2. n. The base of the penis
3. v. To provide with a hilt.
4. v. To insert (a bodily extremity) as far as it can go into a sexual orifice so that it is impeded by the wider base to which it is attached (finger until palm, penis until pelvis).
1. v. Saisir, agripper.
2. v. Empoigner.
3. n. Tenue.
4. n. Poignée.
5. n. Poignée de main.
6. n. (Désuet) Valise .
7. n. métier dans le secteur de l'audiovisuel : machiniste
1. v. To take hold of, particularly with the hand.
That suitcase is heavy, so grip the handle firmly.
The glue will begin to grip within five minutes.
After a few slips, the tires gripped the pavement.
2. v. To help or assist, particularly in an emotional sense.
He grips me.
3. v. (intransitive) To do something with another that makes you happy/gives you relief.
Let’s grip (get a coffee, hang, take a break, see a movie, etc.)
4. v. To trench; to drain.
5. n. A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand.
It's good to have a firm grip when shaking hands.
The ball will move differently depending on the grip used when throwing it.
6. n. A handle or other place to grip.
the grip of a sword
There are several good grips on the northern face of this rock.
7. n. (computing, GUI) A visual component on a window etc. enabling it to be resized and/or moved.
8. n. (film production) A person responsible for handling equipment on the set.
9. n. A channel cut through a grass verge (especially for the purpose of draining water away from the highway).
10. n. (chiefly Southern California slang) A lot of something.
That is a grip of cheese.
She has the grip.
11. n. (archaic) A small travelling-bag or gripsack.
12. n. An apparatus attached to a car for clutching a traction cable.
He gave me a grip.
13. n. A helpful, interesting, admirable, or inspiring person.
You're a real grip.
14. n. (slang) As much as one can hold in a hand; a handful.
I need to get a grip of nails for my project.
15. n. (figurative) A tenacious grasp; a holding fast.
in the grip of a blackmailer
16. n. A device for grasping or holding fast to something.
17. n. (dialectal) A small ditch or trench; a channel to carry off water or other liquid; a drain.
18. n. (obsolete) The griffin.
1. n. (Anatomie) Main.
2. n. (Horlogerie) Aiguille.
3. n. (Poker) Main.
4. n. Coup de main.
I need a hand, could you please help me?
J'ai besoin d'un coup de main, pourrais-tu m'aider s'il te plaît ?
5. v. Donner, passer (de main à main, ou parfois au sens figuré).
Hand me the salt, please.
This is a stick-up. Hand over the money now!
C'est un braquage. Donnez l'argent maintenant !
She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
6. v. Mener, guider (par la main).
To hand a child across the street.
7. v. (Marine) Ferler.
1. n. The part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in a human, and the corresponding part in many other animals.
Her hands are really strong.
2. n.That which resembles, or to some extent performs the office of, a human hand.:
3. n. A limb of certain animals, such as the foot of a hawk, or any one of the four extremities of a monkey.
4. n. An index or pointer on a dial; such as the hour and minute hands on the face of an analog clock, which are used to indicate the time of day.
5. n.In linear measurement::
6. n. (chiefly in measuring the height of horses) Four inches, a hand's breadth.
7. n. (obsolete) Three inches.
8. n. A side; part, camp; direction, either right or left.
9. n. Power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity.
10. n. An agent; a servant, or manual laborer, especially in compounds; a workman, trained or competent for special service or duty; a performer more or less skillful.
an old hand at speaking; large farms need many farm hands
11. n. An instance of helping.
Bob gave Alice a hand to move the furniture.
12. n. Handwriting; style of penmanship.
a good hand
13. n. A person's autograph or signature.
Given under my Hand and Seal of the State this 1st Day of January, 2010.
14. n. Personal possession; ownership.
15. n. (usually in the hands) Management, domain, control.
in safe hands; in good hands; He lost his job when the factory changed hands. With the business back in the founder's hands, there is new hope for the company. With John
16. n.That which is, or may be, held in a hand at once.:
17. n. (card games) The set of cards held by a player.
18. n. # A round of a card game.
19. n. (tobacco manufacturing) A bundle of tobacco leaves tied together.
20. n. (collective) The collective noun for a bunch of bananas.
21. n. Applause.
Give him a hand.
22. n. (historical) A Native American gambling game, involving guessing the whereabouts of bits of ivory or similar, which are passed rapidly from hand to hand.
23. n. (firearms) The small part of a gunstock near the lock, which is grasped by the hand in taking aim.
24. n. A whole rhizome of ginger.
25. n. The feel of a fabric; the impression or quality of the fabric as judged qualitatively by the sense of touch.
This fabric has a smooth, soft hand.
26. n. (archaic) Actual performance; deed; act; workmanship; agency; hence, manner of performance.
27. n. (archaic) Agency in transmission from one person to another.
to buy at first hand (from the producer, or when new); to buy at second hand (when no longer in the producer’s hand, or when not new); It's not a rumor. I heard it at first hand.
28. n. (obsolete) Rate; price.
29. v. To give, pass, or transmit with the hand, literally or figuratively.
He handed them the letter. She handed responsibility over to her deputy.
30. v. To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct.
to hand a lady into a carriage
31. v. (transitive, obsolete) To manage.
32. v. (transitive, obsolete) To seize; to lay hands on.
33. v. (transitive, rare) To pledge by the hand; to handfast.
34. v. (transitive, nautical, said of a sail) To furl.