1. n. A platform mounted on two shafts, or a more elaborate construction, designed to be carried by two (or more) people to transport one (in luxury models sometimes more) third person(s) or (occasionally i
2. n. (collective) The offspring of a mammal born in one birth.
3. n. Material used as bedding for animals.
4. n. Collectively, items discarded on the ground.
5. n. Absorbent material used in an animal's litter tray
6. n. Layer of fallen leaves and similar organic matter in a forest floor.
7. n. A covering of straw for plants.
8. v. (intransitive) To drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it (as discarding in public areas rather than trash receptacles).
9. v. To scatter carelessly about.
10. v. To strew (a place) with scattered articles.
11. v. To give birth to, used of animals.
12. v. (intransitive) To produce a litter of young.
13. v. To supply (cattle etc.) with litter; to cover with litter, as the floor of a stall.
14. v. (intransitive) To be supplied with litter as bedding; to sleep or make one's bed in litter.
2. adj. (in combination) That bears (some specified thing).
a gift-bearing visitor
3. adj. Of a beam, column, or other device, carrying weight or load.
That's a bearing wall.
4. n. A mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction.
5. n. (navigation, nautical) The horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north; a heading or direction.
6. n. Relevance; a relationship or connection.
That has no bearing on this issue.
7. n. One's posture, demeanor, or manner.
She walks with a confident, self-assured bearing.
8. n. (in the plural) Direction or relative position.
9. n. (architecture) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports.
A lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall.
10. n. (architecture) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
11. n. (architecture, proscribed) The unsupported span.
The beam has twenty feet of bearing between its supports.
12. n. (heraldry) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms.
1. n. A line or series of mountains, buildings, etc.
2. n. A fireplace; a fire or other cooking apparatus; now specifically, a large cooking stove with many hotplates.
3. n. Selection, array.
We sell a wide range of cars.
4. n. An area for practicing shooting at targets.
5. n. An area for military training or equipment testing.
6. n. The distance from a person or sensor to an object, target, emanation, or event.
We could see the ship at a range of five miles.
One can use the speed of sound to estimate the range of a lightning flash.
7. n. Maximum distance of capability (of a weapon, radio, detector, fuel supply, etc.).
This missile's range is 500 kilometres.
8. n. An area of open, often unfenced, grazing land.
9. n. Extent or space taken in by anything excursive; compass or extent of excursion; reach; scope.
10. n. (mathematics) The set of values (points) which a function can obtain.
11. n. (statistics) The length of the smallest interval which contains all the data in a sample; the difference between the largest and smallest observations in the sample.
12. n. (sports) The defensive area that a player can cover.
Jones has good range for a big man.
13. n. (music) The scale of all the tones a voice or an instrument can produce.
14. n. (ecology) The geographical area or zone where a species is normally naturally found.
15. n. (programming) A sequential list of values specified by an iterator.
std::for_each calls the given function on each value in the input range.
16. n. An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree; an order; a class.
17. n. (obsolete) The step of a ladder; a rung.
18. n. (obsolete, UK, dialect) A bolting sieve to sift meal.
19. n. A wandering or roving; a going to and fro; an excursion; a ramble; an expedition.
20. n. (US, historical) In the public land system, a row or line of townships lying between two succession meridian lines six miles apart.
21. n. The scope of something, the extent which something covers or includes.
22. n. The variety of roles that an actor can play in a satisfactory way.
By playing in comedies as well as in dramas he has proved his range as an actor.
By playing in comedies as well as in dramas he has proved his acting range.
23. v. (intransitive) To travel over (an area, etc); to roam, wander.
24. v. To rove over or through.
to range the fields
25. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To exercise the power of something over something else; to cause to submit to, over.
26. v. To bring (something) into a specified position or relationship (especially, of opposition) with something else.
27. v. (intransitive, mathematics, computing, followed by over) Of a variable, to be able to take any of the values in a specified range.
The variable x ranges over all real values from 0 to 10.
28. v. To classify.
to range plants and animals in genera and species
29. v. (intransitive) To form a line or a row.
The front of a house ranges with the street.
30. v. (intransitive) To be placed in order; to be ranked; to admit of arrangement or classification; to rank.
31. v. To set in a row, or in rows; to place in a regular line or lines, or in ranks; to dispose in the proper order.
32. v. To place among others in a line, row, or order, as in the ranks of an army; usually, reflexively and figuratively, to espouse a cause, to join a party, etc.
33. v. (biology) To be native to, or live in, a certain district or region.
The peba ranges from Texas to Paraguay.
34. v. To separate into parts; to sift.
35. v. To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near.
to range the coast
36. v. (baseball) Of a player, to travel a significant distance for a defensive play.
37. v. (seeMoreCites)
1. n. (Géographie) Paroisse civile d'Angleterre située dans le district de East Cambridgeshire.
2. n. Portée, atteinte.
It's beyond my reach, but it's within his reach.
C'est hors d'atteinte pour moi, mais c'est à sa portée.
Ah, mais la portée d'un homme devrait dépasser sa prise, sinon à quoi sert le ciel ?
3. v. Atteindre, parvenir à, aboutir à.
She finally reached her goal.
4. v. Rallier.
5. v. S'aboucher avec.
6. v. (Intransitif) Être assez grand pour parvenir à quelque chose.
1. v. (intransitive) To extend, stretch, or thrust out (for example a limb or object held in the hand).
He reached for a weapon that was on the table.
He reached for his shoe with his legs.
2. v. To give to someone by stretching out a limb, especially the hand; to give with the hand; to pass to another person; to hand over.
to reach one a book
3. v. (intransitive) To stretch out the hand.
4. v. To attain or obtain by stretching forth the hand; to extend some part of the body, or something held, so as to touch, strike, grasp, etc.
to reach an object with the hand, or with a spear
“I can't quite reach the pepper, could you pass it to me?”
The gun was stored in a small box on a high closet shelf, but the boy managed to reach it by climbing on other boxes.
5. v. (intransitive) To strike or touch with a missile.
His bullet reached its intended target.
6. v. Hence, to extend an action, effort, or influence to; to penetrate to; to pierce, or cut.
7. v. To extend to; to stretch out as far as; to touch by virtue of extent.
his hand reaches the river
When the forest reaches the river, you will be able to rest.
8. v. To arrive at (a place) by effort of any kind.
After three years, he reached the position of manager.
The climbers reached the top of the mountain after a gruelling ten-day hike.
9. v. (transitive, figurative) To make contact with.
I tried to reach you all day. -
10. v. (transitive, figurative) To connect with (someone) on an emotional level, making them receptive of (one); to get through to (someone).
What will it take for me to reach him?
11. v. (intransitive, India, Singapore) To arrive at a particular destination.
12. v. To continue living until, or up to, a certain age.
You can only access the inheritance money when you reach the age of 25. -
13. v. (obsolete) To understand; to comprehend.
14. v. (obsolete) To overreach; to deceive.
15. v. To strain after something; to make (sometimes futile or pretentious) efforts.
Reach for your dreams.
Reach for the stars! -
16. v. (intransitive) To extend in dimension, time etc.; to stretch out continuously (past, beyond, above, from etc. something).
17. v. (nautical) To sail on the wind, as from one point of tacking to another, or with the wind nearly abeam.
18. v. To experience a vomiting reflex; to gag; to retch.
19. n. The act of stretching or extending; extension.
20. n. The ability to reach or touch with the person, a limb, or something held or thrown.
The fruit is beyond my reach.
to be within reach of cannon shot
21. n. The power of stretching out or extending action, influence, or the like; power of attainment or management; extent of force or capacity.
22. n. Extent; stretch; expanse; hence, application; influence; result; scope.
23. n. (informal) An exaggeration; an extension beyond evidence or normal; a stretch.
To call George eloquent is certainly a reach.
24. n. (boxing) The distance a boxer's arm can extend to land a blow.
25. n. An extended portion of land or water; a stretch; a straight portion of a stream or river, as from one turn to another; a level stretch, as between locks in a canal; an arm of the sea extending up into
26. n. (nautical) Any point of sail in which the wind comes from the side of a vessel, excluding close-hauled.
27. n. (obsolete) An article to obtain an advantage.
28. n. The pole or rod connecting the rear axle with the forward bolster of a wagon.
1. n. A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic or true north).
2. n. A pair of compasses (a device used to draw an arc or circle).
3. n. (music) The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice.
4. n. (obsolete) A space within limits; an area.
5. n. (obsolete) An enclosing limit; a boundary, a circumference.
within the compass of an encircling wall
6. n. Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; used with within.
7. n. (archaic) scope.
8. n. (obsolete) A passing round; circuit; circuitous course.
9. v. To surround; to encircle; to environ; to stretch round.
10. v. To go about or round entirely; to traverse.
11. v. (dated) To accomplish; to reach; to achieve; to obtain.
12. v. (dated) To plot; to scheme (against someone).
13. adv. (obsolete) In a circuit; round about.
1. n. Gourdin, bâton, gaule, perche, barre, barreau.
2. n. (Musique) Portée.
3. n. (Poésie) Strophe ou stance d'un poème ou d'une chanson.
The Christmas Carol of Charles Dickens is composed of five staves.
Le "Chant de Noël" de Dickens est composé de cinq strophes.
4. v. Casser en barres.
1. n. One of a number of narrow strips of wood, or narrow iron plates, placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel or structure; especially, one of the strips which form the sides
2. n. One of the bars or rounds of a rack, rungs of a ladder, etc; one of the cylindrical bars of a lantern wheel
3. n. (poetry) A metrical portion; a stanza; a staff.
4. n. (music) The five horizontal and parallel lines on and between which musical notes are written or pointed; the staff.
5. n. A staff or walking stick.
6. n. A sign, symbol or sigil, including rune or rune-like characters, used in Icelandic magic.
7. v. To break in the staves of; to break a hole in; to burst. Often with in.
to stave in a cask
8. v. To push, as with a staff. With off.
9. v. To delay by force or craft; to drive away. Often with off.
to stave off the execution of a project
10. v. (intransitive) To burst in pieces by striking against something.
11. v. (intransitive) To walk or move rapidly.
12. v. To suffer, or cause to be lost by breaking the cask.
13. v. To furnish with staves or rundles.
14. v. To render impervious or solid by driving with a calking iron.
to stave lead, or the joints of pipes into which lead has been run
1. n. Canne, bâton.
2. n. (Travail) Personnel, employé
3. n. (Armement) Bâton.
4. n. (Musique) Portée (musicale).
5. n. Staff (matériau).
6. v. Doter en personnel, embaucher.
1. n. (plural staffs or staves) A long, straight, thick wooden rod or stick, especially one used to assist in walking.
2. n. (music, plural staves) A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written.
3. n. (plural staff or staffs) The employees of a business.
The company employed 10 new members of staff this month.
4. n. A mixture of plaster and fibre used as a temporary exterior wall covering.W
5. n. A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority; a badge of office.
a constable's staff
6. n. A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed.
7. n. (archaic) The rung of a ladder.
8. n. A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again; a stanza; a stave.
9. n. (engineering) An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch.
10. n. (surgery) The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder.
11. n. (military) An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army. The general's staff consists of those officers about his pe
12. v. To supply (a business, volunteer organization, etc.) with employees or staff members.