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Le mot anglais pour raie est


Définition en anglais

     1. n-f. (agriculture) ridge between furrows, balk (an unplowed strip of land)
           une raie de champ - a field balk
     2. n-f. line
           J'ai fait une raie. - I drew a line.
           tracer une raie au crayon, à la plume - draw a line with a pencil, a quill
     3. n-f. scratch, mark
     4. n-f. cleft (between the buttocks)
     5. n-f. stripe
           marbre marqué de raies noires - marble marked with black lines
     6. n-f. parting (in hair)
           porter la raie au milieu, de côté - have one’s hair parted in the middle, on the side
     7. n-f. (fish) ray
     8. v. first-person singular present of rayer
     9. v. third-person singular present of rayer
     10. v. second-person singular imperative of rayer

Traductions de raie et leurs définitions

streak ©
     1. n. Strie, bande, raie, rayure.
           streaks of gray in one's hair, streaks in the limestone cliff
     2. n. Série ininterrompue (e.g. de victoires, d'événements).
     3. v. Strier, rayer.
           The mirror is streaked now. We'll have to polish it again.
     4. v. Abaisser, tirer un trait.

ray ©
     1. n. Rayon, rai.
     2. n. Bande, raie, rayure.
     3. n. (Poissons) Raie.

part ©
     1. n. Partie, part, portion, contingent.
           Would you like part of my sandwich?
     2. n. Participation.
           Are you going to take part in this seminar?
           I'll have no part in this scheme!
     3. n. (Anatomie) Organe.
           If the person has given permission before death, then the corpse will be harvested for organ parts to help others.
     4. n. Rôle.
           Did you get the lead part in the play?
     5. n. Raie (des cheveux).
           On which side of your head do you want the part?
     6. v. Se quitter, se séparer.
           Then the clouds parted and the sunlight streamed in.
     7. v. Faire une raie dans les cheveux.
           I part my hair on the left.
     8. v. Diviser en deux parties.
           Moses parted the Red Sea.
     9. adj. Partiel.
     10. v. Partiellement.

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