2. adj. Circular or cylindrical; having a circular cross-section in one direction.
We sat at a round table to make conversation easier.
3. adj. Spherical; shaped like a ball; having a circular cross-section in more than one direction.
The ancient Egyptian demonstrated that the Earth is round, not flat.
4. adj. Lacking sharp angles; having gentle curves.
Our child's bed has round corners for safety.
5. adj. Plump.
6. adj. Complete, whole, not lacking.
The baker sold us a round dozen.
7. adj. (of a number) Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero.
One hundred is a nice round number.
8. adj. (linguistics) Pronounced with the lips drawn together.
9. adj. Outspoken; plain and direct; unreserved; not mincing.
a round answer; a round oath
10. adj. Finished; polished; not defective or abrupt; said of authors or their writing style.
11. adj. Consistent; fair; just; applied to conduct.
12. adj. Large in magnitude.
a round sum
13. adj. (authorship, of a fictional character) Well-written and well-characterized; complex and reminiscent of a real person.
14. n. A circular or spherical object or part of an object.
15. n. A circular or repetitious route.
hospital rounds
The guards have started their rounds; the prisoner should be caught soon.
16. n. A general outburst from a group of people at an event.
The candidate got a round of applause after every sentence or two.
17. n. A song that is sung by groups of people with each subset of people starting at a different time.
18. n. A serving of something; a portion of something to each person in a group.
They brought us a round of drinks about every thirty minutes.
19. n. A single individual portion or dose of medicine.
20. n. One sandwich (two full slices of bread with filling).
21. n. (arts) A long-bristled, circular-headed paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting.
22. n. A firearm cartridge, bullet, or any individual ammunition projectile. Originally referring to the spherical projectile ball of a smoothbore firearm. Compare round shot and solid shot.
23. n. (sports) One of the specified pre-determined segments of the total time of a sport event, such as a boxing or wrestling match, during which contestants compete before being signaled to stop.
24. n. (sports) A stage in a competition.
qualifying rounds of the championship
25. n. (sports) In some sports, e.g. golf or showjumping: one complete way around the course.
26. n. (engineering, drafting, CAD) A rounded relief or cut at an edge, especially an outside edge, added for a finished appearance and to soften sharp edges.
27. n. A strip of material with a circular face that covers an edge, gap, or crevice for decorative, sanitary, or security purposes.
All furniture in the nursery had rounds on the edges and in the crevices.
28. n. (butchery) The hindquarters of a bovine.
29. n. (dated) A rung, as of a ladder.
30. n. A crosspiece that joins and braces the legs of a chair.
31. n. A series of changes or events ending where it began; a series of like events recurring in continuance; a cycle; a periodical revolution.
the round of the seasons; a round of pleasures
32. n. A course of action or conduct performed by a number of persons in turn, or one after another, as if seated in a circle.
33. n. A series of duties or tasks which must be performed in turn, and then repeated.
34. n. A circular dance.
35. n. Rotation, as in office; succession.
36. n. A general discharge of firearms by a body of troops in which each soldier fires once.
37. n. An assembly; a group; a circle.
a round of politicians
38. n. A brewer's vessel in which the fermentation is concluded, the yeast escaping through the bunghole.
39. n. (archaic) A vessel filled, as for drinking.
40. n. (nautical) A round-top.
41. n. A round of beef.
42. prep. (rare in US) alternative form of around
I look round the room quickly to make sure it's neat.
43. adv. alternative form of around
44. v. To shape something into a curve.
The carpenter rounded the edges of the table.
45. v. (intransitive) To become shaped into a curve.
46. v. (with "out") To finish; to complete; to fill out.
She rounded out her education with only a single mathematics class.
47. v. (intransitive) To approximate a number, especially a decimal number by the closest whole number.
Ninety-five rounds up to one hundred.
48. v. To turn past a boundary.
Helen watched him until he rounded the corner.
49. v. (intransitive) To turn and attack someone or something (used with on).
As a group of policemen went past him, one of them rounded on him, grabbing him by the arm.
50. v. (transitive, baseball) To advance to home plate.
And the runners round the bases on the double by Jones.
51. v. To go round, pass, go past.
52. v. To encircle; to encompass.
53. v. To grow round or full; hence, to attain to fullness, completeness, or perfection.
54. v. (medicine, colloquial) To do ward rounds.
55. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To go round, as a guard; to make the rounds.
56. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To go or turn round; to wheel about.
57. v. (intransitive, archaic, or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To speak in a low tone; whisper; speak secretly; take counsel.
58. v. (transitive, archaic, or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To address or speak to in a whisper, utter in a whisper.
59. n. (archaic, or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) A whisper; whispering.
60. n. (archaic, or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Discourse; song.
The pawns on your side of the chessboard are not even.
3. adj. (Mathématiques) Pair, paire.
4, 8, 78 and 100 are even numbers.
4. v. Même, voire.
Souvent, dans l'été, je quitte mon logis dès l'aube du matin, et j'erre tout le long du jour par les champs et les ruelles écartées, ou même je m'échappe durant plusieurs journées ou plusieurs semaines de suite ;
5. v. Égaliser (une surface).
We need to even this playing field; the west goal is too low.
6. n. (Archaïque) (Poétique) Veillée, soirée.
1. n. An ethnic Even: a member of an indigenous people living in the Siberia and the Russian Far East.
2. adj. Flat and level.
Clear out those rocks. The surface must be even.
3. adj. Without great variation.
Despite her fear, she spoke in an even voice.
4. adj. Equal in proportion, quantity, size, etc.
The distribution of food must be even.
5. adj. (not comparable, of an integer) Divisible by two.
Four, fourteen and forty are even numbers.
6. adj. (of a number) Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero.
7. adj. On equal monetary terms; neither owing nor being owed.
8. adj. (colloquial) On equal terms of a moral sort; quits.
You biffed me back at the barn, and I biffed you here—so now we're even.
9. adj. parallel; on a level; reaching the same limit.
10. adj. (obsolete) Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish; pure.
11. adj. (obsolete) Associate; fellow; of the same condition.
12. v. To make flat and level.
We need to even this playing field; the west goal is too low.
13. v. (transitive, obsolete) To equal.
14. v. (intransitive, obsolete) To be equal.
Thrice nine evens twenty seven.
15. v. (transitive, obsolete) To place in an equal state, as to obligation, or in a state in which nothing is due on either side; to balance, as accounts; to make quits.
16. v. (transitive, obsolete) To set right; to complete.
17. v. (transitive, obsolete) To act up to; to keep pace with.
18. adv. (archaic) Exactly, just, fully.
I fulfilled my instructions even as I had promised.
You are leaving tonight? — Even so.
This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you.
19. adv. In reality; implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality.
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.
Did you even make it through the front door?
That was before I was even born.
20. adv. Emphasizing a comparative.
I was strong before, but now I am even stronger.
21. adv. Signalling a correction of one's previous utterance; rather, that is.
My favorite actor is Jack Nicklaus. Jack Nicholson, even.
22. adv. also
23. n. (mathematics) An even number.
So let's see. There are two evens here and three odds.
24. n. (archaic, or poetic) Evening.
1. v. Prétérit de mash.
2. v. Participe passé de mash.
1. v. simple past tense and past participle of mash