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Le mot anglais pour sentir est


Définition en anglais

     1. v. to smell (to have a certain odor)
           Ça sent bon. - It smells good.
     2. v. to taste
     3. v. to feel (physical perception)
     4. v. to smell of, taste of
           Ce repas sent l’ail. - This meal smells/tastes of garlic.
     5. v. to smack of; to indicate, foreshadow
           Ça sent la pluie. - It looks like rain.
     6. v. to have the character, manner, feeling or appearance of; to give a feeling of
     7. v. to feel, be aware of, be conscious of
     8. v. to feel (in oneself)
     9. v. to show, be felt (of effect, improvement etc.)

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