Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

called in


anglais > français
called in
     1. v. Prétérit de to call in.
     2. v. Participe passé de to call in.
anglais > anglais
called in
     1. v. simple past tense and past participle of call in
     1. v. Prétérit de call.
     2. v. Participe passé de call.
          1. n. Appel.
                Give me a call when you're done with your meeting.
                Passe-moi un coup de fil quand tu auras fini ta réunion.
          2. n. Visite.
                Let's pay a call on Mr. X at his home, and find out what he's really been doing!
     1. prep. Dans, en.
           He is in the house.
           Il est dans la maison.
     2. prep. En (pour le mois).
           I was born in May.

Exemples de phrases

He's the specialist they called in
Others treat their work as if it were a fleet of planes that have to be called in for periodic overhauling. 

Revoir les locutions précédentes

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