Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

convenience stores


anglais > français
convenience stores
     1. n. Pluriel de convenience store
anglais > anglais
convenience stores
     1. n. plural of convenience store
     1. n. Commodité.
           Let's go to the closer restaurant for the sake of convenience.
     2. n. Avantage.
           I'm willing to pay extra for the convenience of being able to pay by credit card instead of by cash.
     1. n. Pluriel de store.
     2. v. Troisième personne du singulier de l'indicatif présent de store.
          1. n. Boutique, magasin.
          2. n. Réserve.
          3. v. Déposer.
          4. v. Emmagasiner, mettre en dépôt, stocker.
          5. v. Conserver, maintenir, retenir.

Exemples de phrases

When I ran out of money to pay tuition, I started knocking over convenience stores
You see, convenience stores in Japan have unique spatial problems, and must deal in anyway possible. 

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