Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

get rid of


anglais > français
get rid of
     1. v. Se débarrasser de, se défaire.
anglais > anglais
get rid of
     1. v. (transitive, idiom) to dispose (of); to remove; to abolish; to lose
           I want to get rid of your influence over my life!
get  ©
     1. n. Lignage.
     2. n. Enfants.
     3. v. Obtenir, avoir.
           I'll get you!
           J't'aurai !
rid  ©
     1. v. Débarrasser.
           She wants to rid the world of evil.
     2. adj. Libéré, débarrassé, quitte (de quelque chose, quelqu'un).
           I'm glad to be rid of that stupid nickname.
           Je suis content d'être débarrassé de ce stupide surnom.
of  ©
     1. prep. De. Indique une origine, une substance, une possession, etc.
           The university of Ottawa.
           L'université d'Ottawa.
           The king of beasts.
           Le roi des animaux.

Exemples de phrases

You can't get rid of it, right? 
Is there anything that I can take or use to reduce them, or even get rid of them all together? 
They're just trying to get rid of all the troublemakers. 
Why didn't you get rid of that damned raincoat? 
I have suffered from excessive saliva for the last six months and cannot get rid of it. 

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