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Locution anglaise du jour

hole punch


anglais > français
hole punch
     1. n. Perforatrice ; fourniture de bureau permettant de faire un ou des trous dans les feuilles à ranger dans un classeur.
     2. v. Perforer une feuille pour la ranger dans un classeur.
anglais > anglais
hole punch
     1. n. A tool that is used to make holes in stationery for ease of filing.
     2. v. To punch holes using a hole punch.
     3. v. (computer, networking) To create a NAT, WAN-to-LAN port forwarding on the router.
hole  ©
     1. n. Trou.
           How big a hole did you dig?
     2. n. (Golf) Trou.
           An eighteen hole golf course.
     3. n. Faille.
     1. n. Coup de poing.
           A punch is a striking blow with the fist, it is used in some martial arts and combat sports, most notably boxing where it is the only type of technique allowed.
     2. n. Punch, tonus, vigueur de la frappe.
     3. n. Poinçon.
           A punch is a hard metal rod with a shaped tip at one end and a blunt butt end at the other, which is usually struck by a hammer.

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