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Locution anglaise du jour

junk bond


anglais > français
junk bond
     1. n. (Finance) Obligation pourrie, obligation à haut risque.
anglais > anglais
junk bond
     1. n. (finance) A bond (an instrument of debt) which is considered below "investment grade" due to a significant risk of default by the issuer. The interest rate is higher in order to compensate holders for
junk  ©
     1. n. Fatras, fouillis, ramassis .
           You have too much junk lying around your room. If you won't clean it up, then I will.
     2. n. Jonque (pluriel : junks).
           In China, one can see many junks on the river.
     3. v. Jeter à la poubelle.
bond  ©
     1. adj. En état de servitude, non libre.
     2. adj. Servile ; digne d'un esclave.
     3. n. Paysan, manant.
     4. n. Vassal, serf.
     5. n. (Droit) (Finance) Bon du trésor, obligation.

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