anglais > français |
junk food |
1. n. (Nutrition) Malbouffe. |
anglais > anglais |
junk food |
1. n. (informal) Food with little or no nutritional value. |
Analyse |
junk |
1. n. Fatras, fouillis, ramassis . |
You have too much junk lying around your room. If you won't clean it up, then I will. |
2. n. Jonque (pluriel : junks). |
In China, one can see many junks on the river. |
3. v. Jeter à la poubelle. |
food |
1. n. Nourriture. |
What kind of food do you offer for sale? (type or quantity of food) |
2. n. Aliment. |
Man cannot live on food alone. (adage populaire) (category of food) |
3. n. Alimentation. |