Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

junk food


anglais > français
junk food
     1. n. (Nutrition) Malbouffe.
anglais > anglais
junk food
     1. n. (informal) Food with little or no nutritional value.
     1. n. Fatras, fouillis, ramassis .
           You have too much junk lying around your room. If you won't clean it up, then I will.
     2. n. Jonque (pluriel : junks).
           In China, one can see many junks on the river.
     3. v. Jeter à la poubelle.
     1. n. Nourriture.
           What kind of food do you offer for sale? (type or quantity of food)
     2. n. Aliment.
           Man cannot live on food alone. (adage populaire) (category of food)
     3. n. Alimentation.

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by heartsomebody elsepast historicjunk food
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