Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

offer up


anglais > français
offer up
     1. v. Consacrer, faire offrande, offrir, sacrifier.
anglais > anglais
offer up
     1. v. (transitive, idiomatic) to give (thanks, praise) to God
     2. v. (transitive, idiomatic) to sacrifice
     3. v. (transitive, idiomatic) to provide (something great)
offer  ©
     1. n. Offre (dans le sens de: action d'offrir; ou ce que l'on offre).
           I'll make you an offer that you can't resist.
     2. n. Proposition (commerciale).
     3. n. (Commerce) Promotion.
           The stores are announcing special offers this Saturday.
up  ©
     1. adj. De haut.
           the up side.
     2. adj. (Ferro) Vers un grand terminus.
           on the up line.
     3. v. Dessus, en haut, sur.

Exemples de phrases

His remarks might have been a light-hearted bit of banter that anybody would offer up under police questioning but they will have led to a few groans at Conservative central office, where party strategists have been keen to talk up the party's local election successes this month as meaning they are back in business. 

Revoir les locutions précédentes

tables of contentsreactor typejunk bondhelping out
decisive forcepull oneself togetherabout toguardian angels
press agentschat showsfusion bombsget rid of
once removedwater pipeslecture theatrecellar door

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