Lexis Rex - Accueil

Locution anglaise du jour

pay off


anglais > français
pay off
     1. v. Soudoyer.
     2. v. Acquitter, payer une dette.
anglais > anglais
pay off
     1. v. (transitive, informal) To bribe, especially to deter oversight.
           I thought the guards would give us trouble, but apparently he had paid them off.
     2. v. (intransitive) To become worthwhile; to produce a net benefit.
           Her years of Spanish classes finally paid off when she found herself in Mexico and realized she could communicate with people.
     3. v. To pay back; to repay.
           He paid off the loan three months early.
     4. v. To pay back (repay, pay off) the entirety of a loan, thereby effecting the release of a lien on.
           This contract requires you to pay off the car by 2025.
     5. v. (nautical) To fall to leeward, as the head of a vessel under sail.
pay  ©
     1. v. Payer, verser (une somme), régler.
     2. v. Appointer.
off  ©
     1. v. Loin.
     2. adj. Éteint.
     3. prep. Au large de, loin de.
     4. prep. À côté de.
     5. prep. dessus, sur.

Exemples de phrases

I have four, so I used the first two to pay off the other two. 

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