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Locution anglaise du jour

repetitive strain injury


anglais > français
repetitive strain injury
     1. n. Trouble musculosquelettique.
anglais > anglais
repetitive strain injury
     1. n. (pathology) injury to muscles and tendons caused by continuous repetitive use of particular muscle groups, especially in one's arms and hands, for example by using a keyboard and/or mouse, playing a m
     1. adj. Répétitif.
     1. n. Stress, tension.
           You'll have to excuse him. He's been under quite a strain lately.
     2. n. (Strained muscle) Muscle froissé.
     3. n. (Botanique) variété (de plantes).
     4. n. (Biologie) Souche (de bactérie, ...).
     1. n. Blessure.
     2. n. Injure.

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