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Locution anglaise du jour

trick question


anglais > français
trick question
     1. n. Question piège.
anglais > anglais
trick question
     1. n. A question that tries to make someone answer in a certain way, usually incorrectly (i.e. that seems to have an obvious answer that is however incorrect), or that doesn't have a correct answer or that
     1. n. Tour (Action exigeant de l'habilité).
           a magic trick - un tour de magie
     2. n. Truc (ingénieux).
           That's a nice trick! How did you manage to do it?
     3. n. Artifice.
     1. n. Question, interrogation.
           There was a chorus of deep growls, and a young wolf in his fourth year flung back Shere Khan's question to Akela: (The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling)
           Il y eut un chœur de sourds grognements, et un jeune loup de quatre ans, tourné vers Akela, répéta la question de Shere Khan :
     2. n. Affaire, chose, cause.
     3. n. Point.

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