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anglais > français
     1. adj. Circonstanciel.
           The judge declared that because the evidence was circumstantial, it was less than convincing.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials; incidental, not essential.
     2. adj. Abounding with minor circumstances; in great detail; particular.
     3. adj. Full of circumstance or pomp; ceremonial.
     4. adj. (legal) Suggesting guilt, but not proving it conclusively.
           It is unlikely he will be convicted; the evidence against him is circumstantial at best.
     5. n. (chiefly in the plural) Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance.
           the circumstantials of religion

Exemples de phrases

No one can be sure, the circumstantial evidence is compelling. 

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