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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. adj. Amical.
     2. adj. Cordial.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate.
     2. adj. Radiating warmth and friendliness; genial.
     3. adj. (rare) Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits.
     4. adj. (obsolete) Proceeding from the heart.
     5. n. (AU) A concentrated noncarbonated soft drink which is diluted with water before drinking.
     6. n. (AU) An individual serving of such a diluted drink.
     7. n. A pleasant-tasting medicine.
     8. n. A liqueur prepared using the infusion process.
     9. n. A candy (or bonbon) usually made of milk chocolate, filled with small fruits (often maraschino cherries) and syrup or fondant.
     10. n. (figurative) Anything that revives or comforts.

Exemples de phrases

I express my cordial thanks for what you have done for this city. 
    J'aimerais vous adresser mes remerciements pour ce que vous avez fait pour cette ville.

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