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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Demeurer, s'attarder.
           To linger is “to stay” or “to remain”.
           To linger veut dire « rester » ou « demeurer ».
           I like to linger in my garden after I have finished working there.
           J'aime flâner dans mon jardin après avoir fini d'y travailler.
           In the shadow of an archway nearly opposite, leading to one of the many passages which diverged from the main street, there lingered one, who, having taken up his position when the twilight first came on, still maintained it with undiminished
           En face, sous une voûte ténébreuse menant à l'un des passages qui partaient de la rue, se tenait en observation un individu aposté en ce lieu depuis le commencement de la soirée et qui y était resté sans perdre patience, le dos appuyé contre l
anglais > anglais
     1. v. (intransitive) To stay or remain in a place or situation, especially as if unwilling to depart or not easily able to do so; to loiter.
     2. v. (intransitive) To remain alive or existent although still proceeding toward death or extinction; to die gradually.
     3. v. (intransitive, often followed by on) To consider or contemplate for a period of time; to engage in analytic thinking or discussion.

Exemples de phrases

Today it's a place where the world wants to call, a place to linger and maybe to live. 
This is an ensemble performance, and the themes don't perhaps linger in the mind as long as the feel of the group in action. 

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