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anglais > français
     1. prep. Nonobstant, malgré.
     2. postp. Nonobstant, malgré.
     3. v. Nonobstant, cependant, néanmoins, malgré cela.
anglais > anglais
     1. adv. Nevertheless, all the same.
     2. conj. Although.
     3. prep. In spite of, despite.
     4. post. In spite of, despite.
     5. n. An instance of the word "notwithstanding", often characteristic of legalese.

Exemples de phrases

We think that on balance, notwithstanding the very considerable inconvenience a lot of passengers are experiencing, they have got to err on the side of caution and embrace the precautionary principle. 
Notwithstanding my aversion to fortune-tellers, maybe there will be a funding body willing to cross her palm with silver. 
Notwithstanding the legitimate nature of the subject of the discussion and the presenter's well-known approach and style, the programme's active reinforcement of prejudiced views about asylum seekers exceeded acceptable boundaries for transmission. 

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