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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Prétérit du verbe to shield.
     2. v. Participe passé du verbe to shield.
     1. n. Enseigne.
           Noble families during the Middle Ages had a shield that represented them.
     2. n. Bouclier.
           Ancient soldiers faught with a sword and a shield.
     3. n. (Élec) Blindage (ground shield).
     4. n. (Héraldique) Écu, écusson.
     5. v. Abriter, garantir.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. provided with a shield
     2. adj. protected from influence or danger

Exemples de phrases

It recommends street lighting be shielded to angle the light down. 
On a warm, sunny day last week, I scrambled across a bank in the northern woods, down to the edge of the river where the woodland floor was bathed in sunlight and shielded from the easterly wind by beech trees and bramble. 

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