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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Tamiser.
     2. v. (Figuré) Passer au crible, étudier en détail, examiner.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. To sieve or strain (something).
     2. v. To separate or scatter (things) as if by sieving.
     3. v. To examine (something) carefully.
     4. v.          (+obj, en) (archaic or old-fashioned) To scrutinise (someone or something) carefully so as to find the truth.
     5. v.          (+preo, en, through) To carefully go through a set of objects, or a collection of information, in order to find something.



Exemples de phrases

I thought that when we were in California, I would be able to sift things out. 
As I watch the grains of sand slowly sift threw the beautiful curves of my lover, it becomes self-evident that all of these years I was guided by reflections in the inhuman, a painted piece of glass or the drugs that offered visions. 

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