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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. n. Pluriel de slot.
     1. n. Fente.
           Just put your quarters in the (coin) slot, and the candy bar comes out at the bottom.
           The memory card goes in this slot in the laptop.
     2. n. Emplacement, position.
           I think we have a slot for an employee like you.
           The memory card goes into the second slot on the motherboard.
     3. n. (Time slot) (figuré) Créneau horaire.
           I can fit in your appointment in the three o'clock slot.
     4. n. (Architecture des ordinateurs) Slot.
     5. v. Fermer.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. plural of slot

Exemples de phrases

When the negotiations took place they were not public and a lot of people did not know what was available, and now all the slots are taken. 
Underlining the hope that the war will be short, advertisers are still booking slots for May and June. 

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