anglais > français | |
slots | |
1. n. Pluriel de slot. | |
slot | |
1. n. Fente. | |
Just put your quarters in the (coin) slot, and the candy bar comes out at the bottom. | |
The memory card goes in this slot in the laptop. | |
2. n. Emplacement, position. | |
I think we have a slot for an employee like you. | |
The memory card goes into the second slot on the motherboard. | |
3. n. (Time slot) (figuré) Créneau horaire. | |
I can fit in your appointment in the three o'clock slot. | |
4. n. (Architecture des ordinateurs) Slot. | |
5. v. Fermer. | |
anglais > anglais | |
slots | |
1. n. plural of slot |  |