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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Participe présent de to spank.
     2. n. Fessée.
           The naughty children had a bare bottom spanking.
           Les vilains enfants eurent une fessée déculottée.
     3. adj.
           a spanking pace
     4. adj.
           a spanking breeze
     5. adj.
           a spanking good time
     6. v.
           brand spanking new
     1. v. Fesser.
           The parents spanked the naughty children.
           Les parents fessèrent les vilains enfants.
     2. v. Onomatopée évoquant le son d'une fessée administrée à la main.
     3. n. (Familier) Fessée administrée à la main.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Fast and energetic.
           a spanking pace
     2. adj. (often, nautical) Brisk and fresh.
           a spanking breeze
     3. adv. (colloquial, now usually with “new”) An intensifier.
           brand spanking new
           a spanking good time
     4. n. A form of physical punishment in which a beating is applied to the buttocks.
           Domestic spanking is often endured over the knee (or lap), formal spanking rather applied over a contraption such as a tresle or A-frame, with or without constraints
     5. n. An incident of such punishment, or such physical act in a non-punitive context, such as a birthday spanking.



Exemples de phrases

What you need is a good spanking

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