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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. adj. Désolé (paysage).
           stark landscape
     2. adj. (Figuré) Brut, dur, nu, pur.
           When he was faced with the stark truth, he went mad.
           Quand il a été confronté à la dure vérité, il est devenu fou.
     3. v. Absolument, complètement.
           stark raving mad, stark naked
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. (obsolete) Hard, firm; obdurate.
     2. adj. Severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather).
     3. adj. (archaic) Strong; vigorous; powerful.
     4. adj. Stiff, rigid.
     5. adj. Hard in appearance; barren, desolate.
           I picked my way forlornly through the stark, sharp rocks.
     6. adj. Complete, absolute, full.
           I screamed in stark terror.
           A flower was growing, in stark contrast, out of the sidewalk.
     7. adv. starkly; entirely, absolutely
           He's gone stark, staring mad.
           She was just standing there, stark naked.
     8. v. (obsolete, or dialect) To stiffen.



Exemples de phrases

She went stark raving mad after learning of her brother's suicide. 
    Elle est devenue folle à lier après avoir appris le suicide de son frère.

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