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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Frapper.
     2. n. Coup frappé.
     3. n. Fessée.
     4. n. (Argot) Surdoué : élève d'école supposé plus intelligent que les autres, et qui montre ses facultés.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. To beat off, as insects; to bat, strike, or hit.
           He swatted the mosquito that was buzzing around in his bedroom.
           The cat swatted at the feather.
     2. n. A hard stroke, hit or blow, e.g., as part of a spanking.
     3. v. (slang) To illegitimately provoke a SWAT assault upon (someone).

Exemples de phrases

Now either you'll swat it or you'll let it keep attacking. 

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