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anglais > français
     1. v. (Transitif) Cesser, finir.
     2. v. (Intransitif) se terminer.
           Many nouns are terminated with the "-tion" ending.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. (transitive, or intransitive) To end, especially in an incomplete state.
           to terminate a surface by a line
           to terminate an effort, or a controversy
     2. v. (transitive, or intransitive) To set or be a limit or boundary to.
     3. v. (transitive, euphemistic) To kill.
     4. v. (transitive, euphemistic) To end the employment contract of an employee; to fire, lay off.
     5. adj. Terminated; limited; bounded; ended.
     6. adj. Having a definite and clear limit or boundary; having a determinate size, shape or magnitude.
           Mountains on the Moon cast shadows that are very dark, terminate and more distinct than those cast by mountains on the Earth.
     7. adj. (mathematics) Expressible in a finite number of terms; (of a decimal) not recurring or infinite.
           One third is a recurring decimal, but one half is a terminate decimal.



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But isn't there a more humane way to terminate them? 

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