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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. v. Prétérit de toast.
     2. v. Participe passé de toast.
     1. v. Griller, rôtir.
           I like my bread toasted dark.
     2. v. Porter un toast.
           Let's toast to the bride and groom.
     3. n. (Cuisine) Pain grillé.
           I like my toast with jam on it.
           Two pieces of toast.
     4. n. Toast, brinde.
           I propose a toast to the bride and groom.
     5. adj. (Argot) Foutu, fichu, grillé.
           If he sees me, I'm toast.
           If I ever get my hands on the guy that stole my wallet, he's toast!
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Cooked by toasting.
           Would you like a toasted sandwich?
     2. adj. Very hot.
           We got absolutely toasted in that hot marquee.
     3. adj. (slang) drunk

Exemples de phrases

I'll have the toasted cheese sandwich. 
Delicious mounds of coconut crowned with toasted almonds and drenched in pure milk chocolate! 

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