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Le mot anglais avancé du jour



anglais > français
     1. n. (Poissons) Truite.
     2. v. (Argot Internet) Frapper figurativement quelqu'un avec une truite.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. Any of several species of fish in Salmonidae, closely related to salmon, and distinguished by spawning more than once.
           Many anglers consider trout to be the archetypical quarry.
     2. n. (UK, pejorative) An elderly woman of dubious sensibilities.
           Look, you silly old trout, you can't keep bringing home cats! You can't afford the ones you have!
     3. v. (Internet chat) To (figuratively) slap someone with a slimy, stinky, wet trout; to admonish jocularly.



Exemples de phrases

You can also use sea trout or wild salmon. 
They are already farming sea trout and mussels. 
Stay wrinkly and healthy, and help save our wild salmon and sea trout

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