anglais > français | |
branch | |
1. n. (Botanique) Branche (d'un arbre), rameau. | |
2. n. Section, branche. | |
Which branch of the organization is in charge of foreign currency? | |
Quelle section de l'organisation s'occupe-t-elle de la monnaie étrangère ? | |
3. n. Filiale, succursale. | |
Bank branch. | |
Filiale bancaire. | |
4. n. Domaine, spécialité. | |
Branch of science. | |
Domaine de la science. | |
5. n. (Chemin de fer) Embranchement. | |
The line from London to Edinburgh has a branch that goes to Leeds. | |
La ligne de Londres à Édimbourg a un embranchement qui va à Leeds. | |
6. n. (Prog) Branche. | |
7. v. Se diviser (comme les branches d'un arbre). | |
anglais > anglais | |
branch | |
1. n. The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing. | |
2. n. Any of the parts of something that divides like the branch of a tree. | |
the branch of an antler, a chandelier, or a railway | |
3. n. (in particular) A creek or stream which flows into a larger river. (In the US, branch is a Southern US term; compare Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia run, and New York and New England brook.) | |
4. n. (geometry) One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance. | |
the branches of a hyperbola | |
5. n. A location of an organization with several locations. | |
Our main branch is downtown, and we have branches in all major suburbs. | |
6. n. A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line. | |
the English branch of a family | |
7. n. (Mormonism) A local congregation of the LDS Church that is not large enough to form a ward; see Wikipedia article on ward in LDS church. | |
8. n. An area in business or of knowledge, research. | |
9. n. (nautical) A certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters. | |
10. n. (computer architecture) A sequence of code that is conditionally executed. | |
11. n. (computing) A group of related files in a source control system, including for example source code, build scripts, and media such as images. | |
12. n. (rail transport) A branch line. | |
13. v. (intransitive) To arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree. | |
14. v. (intransitive) To produce branches. | |
15. v. To (cause to) divide into separate parts or subdivisions. | |
16. v. (intransitive, computing) To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement. | |
français > anglais | |
branche | |
1. n-f. branch (of tree) | |
2. n-f. branch (of an organization) | |