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Le mot anglais du jour


boîte de conserve
boîte de conserve


anglais > français
     1. n. (US) (Tin can) Boîte de conserve.
     2. n. Canette métal, souvent cylindrique.
           A can of beer.
     3. n. (Plus rare) Bidon.
           My car ran out of gas. Can I buy a can of gasoline to take to the car?
     4. v. Pouvoir, savoir, avoir la capacité de.
           She can speak French.
           Elle peut parler français.
     5. v. Pouvoir, avoir le droit de.
           No one can swim here.
           Personne ne peut nager ici.
     6. v. Pouvoir, avoir la possibilité de.
     7. v. Mettre en boite de conserve.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to.
           She can speak English, French, and German.   I can play football.   Can you remember your fifth birthday?
     2. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective, informal) May; to be permitted or enabled to.
           You can go outside and play when you're finished with your homework.   Can I use your pen?
     3. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective) To have the potential to; be possible.
           Can it be Friday already?
           Teenagers can really try their parents' patience.
           Animals can experience emotions.
     4. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) Used with verbs of perception.
           Can you hear that?.
           I can feel the baby moving inside me.
     5. v. (obsolete, transitive) To know.
     6. n. A more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium, but sometimes of plastic, and with a carrying handle over the top.
     7. n. A container used to carry and dispense water for plants (a watering can).
     8. n. A tin-plate canister, often cylindrical, for preserved foods such as fruit, meat, or fish.
     9. n. (archaic) A chamber pot, now (US, slang) a toilet or lavatory.
           Shit or get off the can.
           Bob's in the can. You can wait a few minutes or just leave it with me.
     10. n. (US, slang) Buttocks.
     11. n. (slang) Jail or prison.
           Bob's in the can. He won't be back for a few years.
     12. n. (slang) Headphones.
     13. n. (archaic) A drinking cup.
     14. n. (nautical) A cube-shaped buoy or marker used to denote a port-side lateral mark
     15. n. A chimney pot.
     16. v. To preserve, by heating and sealing in a can or jar.
           They spent August canning fruit and vegetables.
     17. v. to discard, scrap or terminate (an idea, project, etc.).
           He canned the whole project because he thought it would fail.
     18. v. To shut up.
           Can your gob.
     19. v. (US, euphemistic) To fire or dismiss an employee.
           The boss canned him for speaking out.
français > anglais
boîte de conserve
     1. n-f. can, tin (of food)



Exemples de phrases

I can't go back there and neither can you. 
    Je ne peux pas y retourner et toi non plus.
I can't tell you what an honor this is. 
    Je ne peux pas vous dire quel honneur c'est pour moi.
I can't drink any more beer. 
    Je ne peux boire davantage de bière.
He can read well. 
    Il sait bien lire.
We can't do this here. 
    Nous ne pouvons le faire ici.

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