anglais > français | |
can | |
1. n. (US) (Tin can) Boîte de conserve. | |
2. n. Canette métal, souvent cylindrique. | |
A can of beer. | |
3. n. (Plus rare) Bidon. | |
My car ran out of gas. Can I buy a can of gasoline to take to the car? | |
4. v. Pouvoir, savoir, avoir la capacité de. | |
She can speak French. | |
Elle peut parler français. | |
5. v. Pouvoir, avoir le droit de. | |
No one can swim here. | |
Personne ne peut nager ici. | |
6. v. Pouvoir, avoir la possibilité de. | |
7. v. Mettre en boite de conserve. | |
anglais > anglais | |
can | |
1. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to. |  |
She can speak English, French, and German. I can play football. Can you remember your fifth birthday? |  |
2. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective, informal) May; to be permitted or enabled to. |  |
You can go outside and play when you're finished with your homework. Can I use your pen? |  |
3. v. (modal auxiliary verb, defective) To have the potential to; be possible. |  |
Can it be Friday already? |  |
Teenagers can really try their parents' patience. |  |
Animals can experience emotions. |  |
4. v. (auxiliary verb, defective) Used with verbs of perception. |  |
Can you hear that?. |  |
I can feel the baby moving inside me. |  |
5. v. (obsolete, transitive) To know. |  |
6. n. A more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids, usually of steel or aluminium, but sometimes of plastic, and with a carrying handle over the top. |  |
7. n. A container used to carry and dispense water for plants (a watering can). |  |
8. n. A tin-plate canister, often cylindrical, for preserved foods such as fruit, meat, or fish. |  |
9. n. (archaic) A chamber pot, now (US, slang) a toilet or lavatory. |  |
Shit or get off the can. |  |
Bob's in the can. You can wait a few minutes or just leave it with me. |  |
10. n. (US, slang) Buttocks. |  |
11. n. (slang) Jail or prison. |  |
Bob's in the can. He won't be back for a few years. |  |
12. n. (slang) Headphones. |  |
13. n. (archaic) A drinking cup. |  |
14. n. (nautical) A cube-shaped buoy or marker used to denote a port-side lateral mark |  |
15. n. A chimney pot. |  |
16. v. To preserve, by heating and sealing in a can or jar. |  |
They spent August canning fruit and vegetables. |  |
17. v. to discard, scrap or terminate (an idea, project, etc.). |  |
He canned the whole project because he thought it would fail. |  |
18. v. To shut up. |  |
Can your gob. |  |
19. v. (US, euphemistic) To fire or dismiss an employee. |  |
The boss canned him for speaking out. |  |
français > anglais | |
boîte de conserve | |
1. n-f. can, tin (of food) |  |