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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Béquille.
     2. n. (Figuré) Soutien, béquille.
     3. n. Entrejambe.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. A device to assist in motion as a cane, especially one that provides support under the arm to reduce weight on a leg.
           He walked on crutches for a month until the cast was removed from his leg.
     2. n. Something that supports, often used negatively to indicate that it is not needed and causes an unhealthful dependency; a prop
           Alcohol became a crutch to help him through the long nights; eventually it killed him.
     3. n. A crotch; the area of body where the legs fork from the trunk.
     4. n. A form of pommel for a woman's saddle, consisting of a forked rest to hold the leg of the rider.
     5. n. (nautical) A knee, or piece of knee timber.
     6. n. (nautical) A forked stanchion or post; a crotch.
     7. n. (heraldry) A type of cross formed from two C-shapes joined back to back.
     8. v. To support on crutches; to prop up.
     9. v. (intransitive) To move on crutches.
     10. v. To shear the hindquarters of a sheep; to dag.
     11. v. To stir with a crutch (in soap making)
français > anglais
     1. n-f. (cycling) kickstand
     2. n-f. crutch (device to assist in motion as a cane)


Exemples de phrases

If you want to keep this comic crutch, well, then, do so. 

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