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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. (Archéologie) (Familier) Fouilles (au pluriel).
           The student was very excited about going out on her first archaeological dig.
     2. n. (Figuré) (Familier) Critique.
           She couldn't resist getting in a dig at him, after how he had treated her the previous night.
     3. v. Creuser.
     4. v. (Argot) Piger, suivre.
           You dig?
           Tu suis ?
     5. v. (Argot) Aimer, accrocher, adorer.
           I dig you. I dig that artist.
           Je t'adore. Cet artiste m'accroche.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. (transitive, intransitive) To move hard-packed earth out of the way, especially downward to make a hole with a shovel. Or to drill, or the like, through rocks, roads, or the like. More generally, to m
           They dug an eight-foot ditch along the side of the road.
           In the wintertime, heavy truck tires dig into the road, forming potholes.
           If the plane can't pull out of the dive it is in, it'll dig a hole in the ground.
           My seven-year-old son always digs a hole in the middle of his mashed potatoes and fills it with gravy before he starts to eat them.
     2. v. To get by digging; to take from the ground; often with up.
           to dig potatoes;   to dig up gold
     3. v. (mining) To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore.
     4. v. (US, slang) To work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously.
     5. v. (figurative) To investigate, to research, often followed by out or up.
           to dig up evidence;   to dig out the facts
     6. v. To thrust; to poke.
     7. v. (volleyball) To defend against an attack hit by the opposing team by successfully passing the ball
     8. n. An archeological or paleontological investigation, or the site where such an investigation is taking place.
     9. n. (US, colloquial dated) A plodding and laborious student.
     10. n. A thrust; a poke.
           He guffawed and gave me a dig in the ribs after telling his latest joke.
     11. n. (dialect) A tool for digging.
     12. n. (volleyball) A defensive pass of the ball that has been attacked by the opposing team.
     13. v. (slang) To understand or show interest in.
           You dig?
     14. v. (slang) To appreciate, or like.
           Baby, I dig you.
     15. n. (medicine, colloquial) Digoxin.
           dig toxicity
français > anglais
     1. v. to dig (with a spade)
     2. v. (dated) to badmouth, to slander



Exemples de phrases

When spring comes, they dig up the fields and plant seeds. 
    À l'arrivée du printemps, ils labourent les champs et les sèment.

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