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anglais > français
     1. n. (Outils) Perceuse (outil électrique destiné à percer), foreuse.
     2. n. (Outils) Perçoir (outil manuel destiné à percer, par exemple pierre taillée préhistorique considérée comme destinée à cet usage).
     3. n. Entraînement sévère, en particulier dans un contexte militaire.
     4. n. Répétition générale, exercice d'alerte.
           A fire drill. A tornado drill.
     5. n. Primate proche du mandrill ; Mandrillus leucophaeus.
     6. n. (Textiles) Tissus de coton fort et durable.
     7. v. Faire un trou ; percer, forer.
     8. v. S'entraîner ou faire participer à un entraînement, en particulier dans un contexte militaire.
     9. v. Répéter la même chose plusieurs fois pour la faire mémoriser ; rabâcher.
     10. v. Approfondir ; examiner plus en détail.
anglais > anglais
     1. v. To create (a hole) by removing material with a drill (tool).
           Drill a small hole to start tmhe screw in the right direction.
     2. v. (intransitive) To practice, especially in (or as in) a military context.
           They drilled daily to learn the routine exactly.
     3. v. To cause to drill (practice); to train in military arts.
           The sergeant was up by 6:00 every morning, drilling his troops.
     4. v. To repeat an idea frequently in order to encourage someone to remember it.
           The instructor drilled into us the importance of reading the instructions.
     5. v. (intransitive) To investigate or examine something in more detail or at a different level
           Drill deeper and you may find the underlying assumptions faulty.
     6. v. To hit or kick with a lot of power.
     7. v. (baseball) To hit someone with a pitch, especially in an intentional context.
     8. v. (slang) To have sexual intercourse with; to penetrate.
     9. v. To cause to flow in drills or rills or by trickling; to drain by trickling.
           waters drilled through a sandy stratum
     10. v. To sow (seeds) by dribbling them along a furrow or in a row.
     11. v. (transitive, obsolete) To entice or allure; to decoy; with on.
     12. v. (transitive, obsolete) To cause to slip or waste away by degrees.
     13. n. A tool used to remove material so as to create a hole, typically by plunging a rotating cutting bit into a stationary workpiece.
           Wear safety glasses when operating an electric drill.
     14. n. The portion of a drilling tool that drives the bit.
           Use a drill with a wire brush to remove any rust or buildup.
     15. n. An agricultural implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into the hole made.
     16. n. A light furrow or channel made to put seed into, when sowing.
     17. n. A row of seed sown in a furrow.
     18. n. An activity done as an exercise or practice (especially a military exercise), particularly in preparation for some possible future event or occurrence.
           Regular fire drills can ensure that everyone knows how to exit safely in an emergency.
     19. n. (obsolete) A small trickling stream; a rill.
     20. n. Any of several molluscs, of the genus , especially the oyster drill , that drill holes in the shells of other animals.
     21. n. (music) A style of trap music with gritty, violent lyrics, originating on the South Side of Chicago.
     22. n. wikispecies, Ocenebrinae
     23. n. An Old World monkey of West Africa, , similar in appearance to the mandrill, but lacking the colorful face.
     24. n. A strong, durable cotton fabric with a strong bias (diagonal) in the weave.
français > anglais
     1. v. to bore; to drill (to make a hole)


Exemples de phrases

But I did the drill again. 
Soon, there wasn't anyone in the village who didn't own a lathe or table saw, or at least a reversible drill

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