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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. (Outils) Marteau.
     2. v. Battre, passer à tabac, rosser.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding.
     2. n. A moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gun.
     3. n. (anatomy) The malleus, a small bone of the middle ear.
     4. n. (music) In a piano or dulcimer, a piece of wood covered in felt that strikes the string.
     5. n. (sports) A device made of a heavy steel ball attached to a length of wire, and used for throwing.
     6. n. (curling) The last stone in an end.
     7. n. (Ultimate Frisbee) A frisbee throwing style in which the disc is held upside-down with a forehand grip and thrown above the head.
     8. n. Part of a clock that strikes upon a bell to indicate the hour.
     9. n. One who, or that which, smites or shatters.
           St. Augustine was the hammer of heresies.
     10. v. To strike repeatedly with a hammer, some other implement, the fist, etc.
     11. v. To form or forge with a hammer; to shape by beating.
     12. v. (figuratively) To emphasize a point repeatedly.
     13. v. (sports) To hit particularly hard.
     14. v. (cycling, intransitive, slang) To ride very fast.
     15. v. (intransitive) To strike internally, as if hit by a hammer.
           I could hear the engine’s valves hammering once the timing rod was thrown.
     16. v. (transitive figuratively, sports) To defeat (a person, a team) resoundingly
           We hammered them 5-0!
français > anglais
     1. v. to strike with a hammer; to hammer
     2. v. to shape or forge with a hammer
     3. v. to emphasise individual elements such as words or notes
           Il martèle chaque syllabe. - He stresses every syllable.
     4. v. to repeat insistently
     5. v. (figurative) to trouble; to bother; to worry
           Cette affaire me martèle. - This business bothers me.


Exemples de phrases

"I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. 
    « Je vois », dit l'aveugle, tandis qu'il ramassait son marteau et sa scie.

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