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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Joint, charnière.
           The joints of these glasses.
           Les charnières de ces lunettes.
     2. n. (Anatomie) Articulation, jointure.
     3. n. (Billard) Tourillon, joint (unissant la flèche et le fût des queues démontables).
     4. n. (Constr) (Maçonnerie) Joint.
     5. n. (Géologie) Diaclase, joint (de contrainte).
     6. n. (Impr) Mors.
     7. n. (Mécanique) Joint (d'étanchéité).
     8. n. (Menuiserie) Assemblage.
     9. n. (Mines, pétrole et gaz) Longueur simple, élément tubulaire.
     10. n. (Argot) Cigarette généralement composée d'un mélange de cannabis et de tabac.
     11. n. (Argot) Prison.
           He's in the joint at the minute.
           Il est en prison en ce moment.
     12. n. (Argot) Night-club, tripot.
     13. adj. Commun, conjoint.
           This is our joint application - Ceci est notre requête conjointe
           joint venture ; coentreprise, entreprise commune (pourrait se traduire de façon étymologique et littérale par « aventure conjointe »).
     14. adj. (Droit) Solidaire.
     15. adj. (Militaire) Interarmées ou, plus rarement, interforce.
     16. v. (Maçonnerie) Jointoyer.
     17. v. (Botanique) Monter (se dit des grains et végétaux lorsqu'ils marquent une pause dans leur croissance).
     18. v. (Constr) (Maçonnerie) Hourdir, hourder (remplir de mortier, plâtre ou béton un élément de construction).
     19. v. (Menuiserie) Assembler.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. Done by two or more people or organisations working together.
           The play was a joint production between the two companies.
     2. n. The point where two components of a structure join, but are still able to rotate.
           This rod is free to swing at the joint with the platform.
     3. n. The point where two components of a structure join rigidly.
           The water is leaking out of the joint between the two pipes.
     4. n. (anatomy) Any part of the body where two bones join, in most cases allowing that part of the body to be bent or straightened.
     5. n. The means of securing together the meeting surfaces of components of a structure.
           The dovetail joint, while more difficult to make, is also quite strong.
     6. n. A cut of meat.
           Set the joint in a roasting tin and roast for the calculated cooking time.
     7. n. The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations.
           a joint of cane or of a grass stem; a joint of the leg
     8. n. (geology) A fracture in which the strata are not offset; a geologic joint.
     9. n. (chiefly US slang) A place of business, particularly in the food service or hospitality industries.
           It was the kind of joint you wouldn't want your boss to see you in.
     10. n. (slang) prison
           I'm just trying to stay out of the joint.
     11. n. (slang) A marijuana cigarette.
           After locking the door and closing the shades, they lit the joint.
     12. v. To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together
           to joint boards, a jointing plane
     13. v. To join; to connect; to unite; to combine.
     14. v. To provide with a joint or joints; to articulate.
     15. v. To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as meat.
     16. v. (intransitive) To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do.
           the stones joint, neatly.
français > anglais
     1. n-f. (anatomy) joint (joint with freedom to rotate)
     2. n-f. articulation (quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)



Exemples de phrases

Do you have separate accounts or a joint account? 
    Vous avez un compte commun ou des comptes séparés ?

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