Lexis Rex - Accueil

Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Échelle.
     2. v. Escalader un bâtiment à l'échelle.
anglais > anglais
     1. n. A frame, usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, used for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened rungs (cross strips or rounds acting as steps).
     2. n. (figuratively) A series of stages by which one progresses to a better position.
     3. n. (figuratively) The hierarchy or ranking system within an organization, such as the corporate ladder.
     4. n. (chiefly Britain) A length of unravelled fabric in a knitted garment, especially in nylon stockings; a run.
     5. n. In the game of go, a sequence of moves following a zigzag pattern and ultimately leading to the capture of the attacked stones.
     6. v. To arrange or form into a shape of a ladder.
     7. v. (chiefly firefighting) To ascend (a building, a wall, etc.) using a ladder.
     8. v. Of a knitted garment: to develop a ladder as a result of a broken thread.
           Oh damn it, I've laddered my tights!
français > anglais
     1. n-f. ladder
     2. n-f. scale, proportion, size
     3. n-f. (figuratively) ladder
     4. n-f. (music) scale


Exemples de phrases

I broke the ladder and fractured my ankle. 
    J'ai cassé l'échelle et me suis fracturé la cheville.
Don't climb that ladder - it's not secure. 
    Ne grimpez pas à cette échelle, elle n'est pas sûre.
She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. 
    Elle se tenait sur une échelle, en train de peindre le plafond.

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