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Le mot anglais du jour




anglais > français
     1. n. Barge, chaland, péniche.
     2. n. Briquet (objet destiné par exemple à allumer des cigarettes)
           Has anyone got a lighter?
     3. adj. Comparatif de light.
anglais > anglais
     1. adj. comparative form of light: more light
           I prefer a lighter shade of pink.
     2. n. One who, or that which, lights.
           a lighter of lamps
     3. n. A small, reusable handheld device for creating fire, especially for lighting cigarettes.
           Cigarette in mouth, he clutched his pockets in search of a lighter.
     4. n. A flat-bottomed boat for carrying heavy loads across short distances (especially for canals or for loading or unloading larger boats).
     5. v. To transfer cargo or fuel from a ship, lightening it to make its draft less or to make it easier to refloat.
     6. adj. comparative form of light: more light
           What happened? You look 10 lbs. lighter!
           I wish I'd thrown a lighter punch; he's out cold.
français > anglais
     1. n-m. (obsolete) frizzen
     2. n-m. firestriker
     3. n-m. cigarette lighter, lighter
     4. n-m. (zoology) beagle
     5. n-m. (heraldry) firesteel



Exemples de phrases

"You got a smoke?" "Yeah, but I don't have a lighter." 
    « T'as une clope ? » « Oui, mais je n'ai pas de briquet. »
Women eat lighter meals when they're eating with a guy. 
    Les femmes mangent des repas plus légers lorsqu'elles mangent avec un type.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. 
    Je ne demande pas un fardeau moins lourd, mais des épaules plus larges.
I offered him a double-flame lighter that I bought in the United States. 
    Je lui ai offert un briquet à double flamme que j'ai acheté aux États-Unis.

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